Page 590 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 590
Contrasted Statement slowing the Valve and Description of Goods exported from Muscat
Ebtimbtb TOE TH* TRAIL 1888-89.
Fob tub Official Ybab
InorrftM DeotetN
Abtiolbb. in in
1887-88. 1888-80. 1888-89. 1888-89.
Dollar** Dollars. Dollars. DoHnns,
Dates (pressed) 180,000 190,000 10,000
st (^*7) • • • 160,000 li 0,000 10,000
„ (black) 75.000 80,000 6,000
„ (Fard) 60.000 70.000 10,000
Date-juice • . , 1,000 1,000
Fruit . • • • 40.000 85.000 •s * 5.000
Dried limes • 25.000 20,0u0 SM 6.000
Raisins • . • '250 250 • ••
Flams , . . • 1,100 1,200 100
Almonds . . 400 450 50
Walnuts and skins. 100 ICO • ••
Tamarind . . . 600 600
Fish . 15.000 15.000
Fish, small, lor manure . 1,500 1,300 .200
Rih sounds . 1,000 1,200 200
Shark-Bus • • • 2,800 3.200 400 • ss
Pearls .... 70.000 75.000 5,000
Motber-o' pearl 20.000 16.000 4.000
Cotton .... 24,000 21,000 3.000
„ fabrics 100,000 120,000 20,000
„ eeeds . 5,000 4.200 SCO
Rest leaves , . 570 400 30 • •a
„ water . 500 500
Pomegranate, skins and Beeds 120 150 80
Henna 750 600 150
Opium 5;000 4.000 1,000
Wheat . . 12,000 10,000 2,000
Rice • . • . 150.000 90,000 60,000
Jovraree . . 2,500 2.000 500
Ghee .... 1,700 3,002» 1,300
Sugar • 6,000 4,000 2,000
Salt . . 75.000 €5,OS» 10,000
Red ochre . . . soo TSO 50
Madder- . . , 500 400 100
Assafcetida . , . . 150 150
Garlic .... 170 200 SO
Musk .... 1,600 lySOO 200
Aloe’s wood • . , 8,000 2,500 500
Incense 1,200 1,000 200
Shunna • . . 4.000 7.000 3,00Q
Aloes .... 8.000 2.000 1,000
Senna, leaves. , 200 100 100
Dragon’s blood . , 900 800 100
Budrbud 3,000 800 2,200
Goat's hair . 600 050 SO • ••
Halwah 4,00* 3>OC 500
Otto of roses 1,500 1JK»
Canvas, Arabian . 2,700 1,800 900
Rafters 1,400 1,50* 100 • ••
Donkey* 2,000 8,000 1,000
Oil, kerosine . , 14,000 4,000 10,OQO
American cloth . 20j000 14,000 • •• 6,000
“Wool .... 600- 600 100
Rifles «... 200 250 50 ...
Paper .... 175 150 •25
Mat bags . 6,500 6,000 1,500
Miscellaneous articles . 82,000 25,000 • M 7,000
Torsi. 1,140,685 1,083,100 66,440 124,025
Speai* . 800,000 320,000. 20,500 • ••
GRATH) TOTAL 1,440,885 1,408^00 86,440 124,025