Page 593 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 593

                   RESIDENCY 4KP WU0O4T ?O]jIT!0Af« AflpNC* *Oft 188840.

          Controlled Statement ihowing the Value and Detcription of Qoodt imported into Africa*—cont4-
                                          Fob thi Ojpicial Yam
                                                             Increase in   Decrease la
         From           Abticlbs.                             3,888-89.  2888-89.
                                            1887*88.  1888-89.

                                            Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
         8   Budrbud                        * 3,600     800     • M      2,700
          I  Opium .                          7,800   10,000    51,800   •••
         6   Dyes .                            140      150       10
         s ■<  Yellow wood                   12,000   10,000      50     • ••
             Mat bags
         •<  Saffron                          1,500    2,000     600
         3   Oram .                           1,800    2,000     200     999
         w   Vinegar                           800      200     ...        100
         3   Tobacco                          8,000    2,000             1,000
         B   Cloaks .                          400      800                100
             Hair combs                        250      800       60     • ••
         I*  Wool ^                           1,500    2,000     600     • ••
         to  Twist .                           800      900      100     ...
         ca  S hark-fins                      2,300    3,000     200
         S   Fish sounds ......               1,200    1,800     100
         B   Miscellaneous articles, sack as Cotton
              Stuff, Raw Cotton, Matting, &c.  20,000  25,000   6,000
         2                      Total       386,840  381,560   46,470   51,570
         w                   Specie •        30,000   .20,000
         p<                                                              10,000
                       GRAND TOTAL          416,840  401,560   46,470   61,750
             Coffee ......                    4,500    5,500    3,000    • ••
             Sugar, loaf   .  .   .   •   .    850      400                450
             Indian com  .                     650      750      100
             Jowaree    .  .   .    ,   ,      400      COO      200     v •
             Cocoanuts   .  .   .   •   .     1,600    1,500               100
             Monkey nuts,                      250     1,800    1,050
             Chintz............................................  2,500  8,000  500
             Cotton goods   .   .   .   .    20,000   14,000    • ••     6,000
             Paper.......................................................  600  806  200
             Cloves.......................................................  1,000  1,000  •••
             Wood rafters   .                 3,500    3.000               WO
         o   Fowling pieces   .   .   .        600     1.000     405
         £   Frankincense .   .   .   .        500      600      1
         c   Antimony •    .    •   .   .       76       80
         a   Amber.......................................................  5
         'A                                    650      700       59
             Civet ........................................................  2,800  4.000   1,20©
             Dragon's blood   .   .   •   .   1,200    1,600     400
         p   Wild Cypress Seed ....          18,000   16,000
         2                                                               2,000
         <   Otto of roses .....              2,000    1,500              600
         w   Shuana .      .    .   .   .     6,000    7.000    2,000
         £   Senna leaves.............................................  800  200  100
         on  Aloes .......................................................  4,000  6,000  IJM
                   .......................................................  100  150  50
             Mother-o' pearl ....            24,000   20,000             4.000
             Pearls .   ,   .   ,             8,000   10,000    2,000
             Oil, kerosine............................................  7.000  4,000  • ••  3.000
             Cotton.......................................................  2.000  2,600  600  •••
             Hides .   .   .    .   i   .      900      800     • ••       100
             Razors........................................................  800  250
             Fez red caps............................................  150  200  • 09  60  60
             Candles .     .                   100      600      600
             Miscellaneous artioles, sncb as Rafters.                    99#
               Wood, Ac.............................................  20,000  22,000  2,000  999
                                Total       138,526  130,030   18,305    16,84)
                             Specie •        75,000   80,000    6,000    •99
                       GRAND TOTAL          2.08,525  210,030  18,805    16,800

   588   589   590   591   592   593   594   595   596   597   598