Page 204 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 204
Vi W.utl.v LUTS.;- the east
in l.lm lii/i(,ory of U;<: rs,::.y*:.y v.i- mri an oppor-
i unity to olTor of breaking <iry;:. Emci monopoly.
Probably Mm brail, 0*0 ;v; i.mT cm offered for Dale
vs (luit Iio aMuoliod more : m o one. me t-o Tie capture of
t ho Dutch headquarter-; lien ie Li to me destruction
of fchoir fleet. It may Lave seerred to lim a choice of
alternatives in which Tie ielanee err:: ed in
favour of the one which : -•i*. Tie leimesT blow to
Dutch prestige. Whether that —e:e :r not he
succeeded in effecting The Mtmre :: The Lnni ::rr at
Jakatra without diocnlry. Under the Terms :r the capitu-
lation the fortress and gamism - — - :: wm were
surrendered to the Engiisi. - e me merman rise and
other movable property :YL to Trie -- the h::.: or Ja-
katra. Somewhat earlier The L ner bad
in min a secret agreement "" • '■* in men r~ the terms of
which the .Knglkh wete exmrded rr:m .e .rmity. As
an outcome of this ytohahiy the native es in the
weeks following the csyttiiLiTivn an tinmen dlv
nllilmh'. They no', only <vu: • s into The Straits of
Hiniiln to warn apyt\\YL.\g U.t.vL vessels :: their peril,
but Mm range van ot evau.toiv. :L e. :;r:*e d.-*-'.' men.
m|»|m'iiit'd upon t'\e soev.c nvd omnymed the release or the
jniMMimi «
In Mm tmv of Mao d >'v; attitude c: the native
niiMunitmi, (oV; that v; v.svLoss for him to eon-
Mtiue Mm oooupatxon. \...*v ,oVivt oo.iv.Ld with his com- i
• ninnlm i lm decided to withdraw his ships to the Coro-
nmmini v'omi vheve to tv.v, for a further campaign if
tumli should bn dee oed desv.vColo Kia dorision was. per
il** ps, •* sound one on the whole . t \ few of the steady deter- ••
Inmiinu w\ hi , fleet and Mao darker that he would incur