Page 255 - Journal of Asian History_Neat
P. 255

MaND v vim.k The Ottoman I'ravincc of ni l                      •195

           aml fifteen fully equipped zarbzen, to he   thurc* a rrlVrriiei* it> tin* campaign again until
    ,,f iron
       isferred to LaM for the campaign.4*          1578, when an order was issued to I,:ih*I in effect
      To Bagdad and Basra  on  the sixteenth of No-  postponing action indefinitely because of the
    veinber went orders to send all (op and zarbzen   opening of the eastern campaign against the Safa-
    that could be spared to Latjsft to supplement the   vids in the spring of that year.
    eighteen pieces of the Lal.isd fortress” On the
                                                    To the governor general of LahaA:
    thirtieth of that month permission was  sent to
    the governor general of Lahsit to confiscate a par­  You report that the governor of Bahrein (AdJcim) Mab-
                                                    mQd SAh has died and his younger son haa taken his
    cel of land producing annually “about 150,000   place. NOr cd-Dln, ruler (?v««rf) of Hormuz came and
    otce” in lyatlf belonging to a family which had   seized the person responsible for the death of Mahmud
    moved to Bahrein, to which island the firman    §Ah, Uiir SAh, and carried him off, seuding a man to
                                                    you asking for no interference (hiun-i zcruligdnl). The
    now refers as dor cd-harb.u
       Preparations went on through January of 1576.   ships in LahsA arc all equipped and ready, needing
                                                    (only) oars. I have decided at this time on a campaign
    In that month eight orders were sent out, four   to the eastern regions and have already sent out the
    of them concerned with the establishment of a   vizier SinAn. This is no time to complicate matters
    cannon foundry in Basra.*2 The others were re­  (gevermetfin zcm&nl ydk); send all the ships and ships'
    lated to ships’ stores and guns" and the produc­  stores that you have in Basra (for the eastern cam­
    tion in lyatlf of a quantity of mortar with which   paign!.'4
                                                     Sometime between November of 1575 and
    to build a tower opposite the fort at Manama
                                                    September of 1576 the governor general of Larisa
    during the campaign."
                                                    was replaced by another candidate;n perhaps this
      By all indications, the campaign was to begin
                                                    was a factor in postponing the campaign that
    in the fall of 1576. Vet in September the governor
                                                    summer. It also may be that the uncertain polit­
    general of Labs5 reported that ten zarbzen and
                                                    ical situation, the coup d'ttal on Bahrein in 1577
     100 kan(dr of black powder were required not for
                                                    and the arrival of a detachment from Hormuz to
    the invasion force but for the defense of Lahsa
    (Lahsdnln hifz u hardset      ; in this report  settle it forced the governor general Ahmed to
    there is no mention of the campaign.*4 Nor is   postpone plans again until the departure of the
                                                    Hormuz fleet. Whatever the reasons, the result
       " M 27:201, same date.                       is clear; the carefully organized expedition had
       M M 27:229 230, 12 $a’bAn 933/16 November 1575.  failed to materialize.
       " M 27:277 , 26 $a'bAn 983/30 November 1575. But   Throughout the long and expensive war with
    even here the permission for the confiscation is made
                                                    the Safavids Bahrein seems to have beea ignored
    conditional upon conformity to the feri'a; "If the afore­
    mentioned in fact resides in ddr al-harb and is (therefore?)   by the Imperial Council." 'All Bey's raid on Mus-
    committing rebellion, then seize the property as Ao-y.i-i
    hnmdyun. But if he (the head of the family] is there for   " M 33:724, CA 9S6/August 1578. The eastern cam­
    reasons of commerce or other business and the property   paign was originally planned for actioa on two fronts,
    has been given to someone to take care of, and the taxes   one moving out of Erzerum under the command of LAla
    (rusum re Jta^ufc) have been paid to the mirt, then it is   Mu$t&f& Pa$a, the other out of Bagdad under the com­
    contrary to sen'a to interfere (dubl).”         mand of K&ca SinAn Pa$a. By the time this firman had
       ”M 27:466, to Diyarbekir §evval 933/19 January   been copied, the Bagdad front had been closed and
        1576.                                       SinAn Pa$a sent with his army to work with LAla Mu^afA
        M 27:513, to L^lisA 26 $ewal 983/28 January 1576.  through $irvao (see Bekir Kutuko&lu, Ozmonfi-Zran.
        ^5       *° ^iyarbekir, 26 JJewal 983/28 January  Siyasi MuruuibetUri: 1578-1590, Istanbul (1962), p. 26).
                                                      '7 Ilyas held the post in November, 1575 (M 27:206)
        M 27:516, to Basra, 26 $evval 983/28 January 1576.   and Ahmed is referred to as governor general In Sep­
       ;; M 27:453, to Bagdad, 14 $ewal 983/16 January 1576.   tember, 1576 (M 28:407).
       "   27:465» to .Aleppo, 17 $ewal 983/16 January 1576.  M In 1583 orders were sent to Aleppo, Damascus,
        In the narralio of M 28:407. Given to the governor  Basra Bagdad, Yemen, and LahsA stating that men were
    KenertU of LahsA’a man for delivery to the governor   being sent out to buy pearls and jewels for the frd.f*-»
    general of Bagdad, 15 CA 984/9 September 1576.  humdyun. No customs was to be charged oq their effects.
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