Page 36 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 36

u                    Part I—Ohap. v.

                                                  CHAPTER V.

                              33. When information reached Calcutta that General Malcolm had left
                          Persia, 8ir Harford Jones received instructions from Lord Minto to prooeed
              ecretmd Poll
                . Diary N* 245 on miS8ion t0 C°urt °f Persia, on which he had boon deputed by the
              •f isos, p. 10499. Home Government, The following letters were addressed by the Bombay
                          Government to Lieutenant Bruce and Captain Paisley in the Gulf:—
                                           No. 245, dated Bombay C&stlo, Oth Soptombor 1808.
                                  From—Fbaxois Wabdbn, Esq., Chief Soorotary to tho Government' of Bombay, Socrot and
                                          Politioal Department,
                                  To—Libctbxaxt William Bbuce, Acting Commercial Boeidont at Buabire.
                             Hie Excellency Sir Harford Jones having determined, in pursuance of the intention
                          of the Supreme Government, to proceed to Persia, and exercise tho function of His Majesty's
                          Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at tho Court of Tehran, X have the honor
                          to transmit to you a despatch from tho Hon’ble tho Secret Committee of tho Hon’blo the
                          Court of Directors dated the 25th September 1807, announcing the appointment of Sir
                          Harford Jones on a Mission to Persia, and you will accordingly bo pleased to pay the utmost
        l>i               attention and deference to any communications you may receive from His Majesty’s Minister.
        of                   2. The Factory at Bushire is to be subject to His Excellency's immediate requisitions,
                          and applicable exclusively, as far as he may find necessary, to his accommodation and that of
                          the gentlemen who accompany His Excellency.

                                  From—Fhahois Wabdbx, Esq., Chief Secretary to tho Government of Bombay, Seoret and
                                          Political Department,
                                  To— Cimix Chatablbs Pablbt, Acting Envoy.
                             His Excellency Sir Harford Jones proceeding by the present opportunity on the execu­
                         tion of the political fuuctions of His Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten­
                         tiary to the Court of Persia, I enclose by the directions of the Board the copy of a circular
                         letter addressed on this occasion to the several Residencies in the Gulph, together with that
                         of one from the Secret Committee to the British Political Resident for tho time being at
                         Bushire under date the 25th September, and Sir Harford will deliver to you a letter recently
                         received from the Supreme Government to the address of General Malcolm, which will fully
                         explain to you the grounds on which Sir Harford now proceeds, in pursuance of a separate
                         communication to him from the Right Hon’ble Iiord Minto to entor on his Ministerial duties.
                            There seeming under these circumstances but little likelihood that General Malcolm will
                         return into the Gulph, more especially in view to the objections that officer has himself stated
                         in his last offioial letter to the Supreme Government of the 10th of July to repair to Buasora
                         or Baghdad, it may be promotive of economy and "convenience should tho several articles
                         provided for presents by the General and that may be still undisposed be as well as the tents and
                         travelling equipage be transferred for the use of the Mission of Sir Hartford Jones, who will
                         in that case furnish you with receipts for the same.
                                                                 (Signed) Francis Warden,
                                                                     Chief Secretary to Government.

             Poll. Dept. Diary
             No. 323 of 1809,   34. When Brigadier General Maloolm had been in the Gulf of Persia in
             pp. 2122-2124.  July 1808, he had been pleased to express his approbation of th$ conduct of
                         Sheikh Jabarah, tbeo Governor of Kongun, on several oooasions, and he
                         ordered Mr. Bruoe to send him a present. Soon after that period considerable
                         confusion took place in the Government of Kongun; 8heikh Jabarah was
                         displaced and thrown into confinement by his father who now obtained
                         possession of Government. This disturbance prevented the intended present
                         being sent, and Mr. Bruce wrote to Mr. Sheikh Jabarah to inform him that
                         it should be forthcoming at any time he chose to apply for it.
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