Page 74 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 74

62                   Part II—Chap. xv.
                           boon tho object of tho Governor-General to'attend ns littlo as possiblo) taken possession of
                           Zoobara, the Chief town of the Uttubis, who have thereon been obliged to surrcmW +i,~
                           Islands of Bahrein to tho same political ascendency.
               Bolcetion       132. The Government of India entirely concurred in tho instructions
               No. 71 of 1805-
               18l0i pp. 80-C—   which wore issued by the Bombay Government on the 6th January to the
               80-D.       Commanders of tho Expedition, and in those subsequently issued to Mr. Smith
                           for the purpose of cheoking tho operations which ho proposed to undertake
                           against the port of Khor Hassan and requiring his attention to the former
                           orders of tho 6th January respecting that port and tho Chiof of tho Uttooboo
                               In tho opinion of the Governor-General in Council, tho comploto success
                           whioh had attended all the operations of tho expedition to the Gulph of Persia
                           afforded grounds for tho highest satisfaction, and reflected groat honor on
                           Captain Wainwright and Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, who appeared to have
                           conducted all tho operations committed to their management, with distin­
                           guished zeal, prudence, promptitude, and ability (Lord Minto to Mr. .Duncan,
                           dated 7th March 1810.)
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