Page 79 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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Part II.—-Chop. XVII.         67

             carry tbeir mercantile transactions the tamo aa in other ports of tho Gulph; and that in
             liko manner the British ports in India shall bo open to tho Joassomecs on tho same terms
             as to tho other Arabs.
                Artiolo 3rd. That in case of shipwrook or vobbcIb meeting with other accidents on the
             shores or Islands in tho Gulph under tho government or influence of tho Joassemecs, every
             aid and assistance shall bo afforded to such vossol and crew and overy precaution taken to
            prevent the property, etc., from being destroyed or embezzled.
                Artiolo 4th. That tho Joaasomco vossels from henceforth, to prevent their being mistaken
            for other Arab Statos, agree lo hoist, as a distinguishing mark from othor Arabs, a red flag
            with an Arabio inscription of “ Thero is but one God and Mohumed is His Prophet " in
            tho middlo, and this is to bo considered as tho colours of the subjects of Hassan iben Rehma
            and tho Jonssomcos Rnscl Khima in future.
                Artiolo 5th. That all property which may bo on board of any boat or vessels of whatever
            description belonging to tribes at enmity with the Joassemees of Rasel Khima and can be
            proved to be the property of subjects under the British protection shall be immediately res­
            tored on application should such vessel be captured by the Joasscmces.
                Articlo 6th. Hassan iben Gaiso the Vakcol of Hassan iben Rehma with whom this
            agreement is entered into docs hereby solemnly promise that immediately on his return to
            Rasel Khima to restore such of tho H.C. Mares * and property aa is reported to have been # «°PJ **
            carried over by a Joass-'meo boat from the Island of Khen and belonging to the Ahmed Shah ***«
            and to forward such property to Cojia Golab tho Hon'blo Company’s Broker at Muscat.
                Articlo 7th. It is further agreed that if it should bo found necessary to annul this
            engagement, previous notice is to be given bv the party who finds it neoessary to annul it.
            u He that breaketh his vow, breaketh with the Lord ”—Arabic verse.
                Artiole 8th. That as Hassan iben Rehma intends deputing to Bombay at an early period
            a vakeel fully authorized by him to discuss and enter into moro full and firm engagements
            with the British Government these Preliminary Articles are entered into for the time being,
            subject, however, to the approval of tho Right Honourable the Governor in Council of Bombay
            to whom they are to be forwarded by the earliest opportunity for consideration.
                Executed in Bushire this day of Ootober 1814 or 21st of Shadal 1229 Hijree. Witness
            oar hands and scale.
                                                       William Bbuch,
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