Page 84 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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62              Port III.—Chap. XVIII

                           attention to the dictates of tho long established connexion with the Hon'ble Company's
                           Government, I should always recall myself to your kind remembrance, by not allowing our
                           correspondence to drop, and tho Ilon'blc Company's Cruizcr Mercury being now bound to
                           the Presidency, l have presumed by means of the epistle to do so, in order that in a friendly
                           way you may always keep open tho door of kindness, and continue to mo the pleasure and
                           happiness of hearing of your welfare ; and command my services on all suitable occasions, as
                           tending to demonstrate your favors and to encourago my hopes, and in view to the relations
                           of amity my father has despatched tho ship Sooliman Shakce to tho I'residonoy, for tho
                           pnrnoso of undergoing repair, iu pursuance of your intiinutod God-williug : sho will by tho aid
                           of Government bo very nicely ropaired. I have furthor to troublo you by requesting that she
                          may bo expeditiously despatched to this quarter, which may tho Almighty cause her to reach
                          in safety.

                                       Order of the Governor in Council dated 10th April 1807.
                              In acknowledging tho recoint of tho abovo letter tho Secretary was on tho 0th instant
                           instructed to advise tho Resident at Bushire that tho Sooliman Shahee would bo repaired as
                          spcodily as possiblo and in preference to any other than the vossols of war of His Majesty
                          of which there were at present scvoral here, but it was nevertheless hoped to bo able to gtt
                          the Sheikh's ship repaired in time to return before the monsoon.   °
              8ccret and Poll.  142 A. The Sheikh’s son made a furthor application for being paid the
              ofT607,"p^am308 c^aroes °f roparing and coppering his vessols in tho dook. Tho°following
                          order, dated 21st April 1807, was passed by tho Bombay Government on this
  !                       application:—
                              "With respect to the further claim or urgent application now made by tho son of Sheikh
                          Nusser to have the charge defrayed of repairing and coppering his father's vessels now in
                          dock, it need scarcely be remarked that hi6 plea by which ho aims at inducing one act of
                          liberality because another has been extended, is not- founded on solid or very liberal principles
                          on his part; tho previous generosity, requiring on the contrary that he should desist from
                          additional expectations of the same description. Notwithstanding which, Government will,
                          in consideration to our established connection, bear some part of the expence of the refitment
  I                       of the vessel in question, but .as it will amount (according to present estimate) to about twelve
                          thousand rupees, his ageut bore must in reason defray the greater part of that expense, it
                          being deemed quite sufficient that this Government should make him a present, as they are
                          disposed to do, of one-fourth proportion thereof.
                              143.  In bis letter dated 26th October 1808, Mr. Bruce reported that
                          Sheikh Abdul Rasul was seized on 26th October 1808 by the orders of
                          Mahomed Hussein Khan, Shiraz Minister Nasurallah Khan’s Basbi, who had
                          been sent down toBushiro from Shiraz with a force to compel the Sheikh to
                          pay some large outstanding demands against him.
                              144.  In consequence of the abovo circumstance the Resident prepared  a
                          statement of the Company’s demands against Sheikh Abdul Rasul Khan
                          himself, as also against his late futher’s estate with the demands of private
                          individuals, under the protection of the British.

                          Statement of public and private demands against the late Governor of Bushire, Sheikh Abdul
                                                      Rasul Khan.
                                     PUBLIC DEMAND8, viz.—
                               Balance due from his father the late Sheikh
                                Nasser Khan...........................................  4,892 2 16
                               Balance due of a loan made to him by
                                 Mr. Smith in the month of July 1807  .   1,595 2   0
                               Amount due by him for repairs made by
                                 Government to his ship Sooliman Shahee
                                at Bombay and ordered by the Honourable
                                 the Governor in Council to be recovered
                                 here •••••• 16,344 3 62                    17,940 1 62

                                                Carried over       •••      22,832 3 78
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89