Page 91 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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Part III—Chap. XIX.             G9
            bad at last tlieir effect. Sheikh Na9ir proceeded at last with an expedition
            against Bushaeb. Sheikh Rohma gavo up at first a portion of the plunder.
            But as the Resident insisted on the recovery of the whole plunder on
            proper restitution, Sheikh Nasir by a clover stratagem secured the person
            of Sheikh Rehma’s son and brought him as a hostage to Bushire. This had
            the desired effect and induced Sheikh Rehma in making substantial res­
            titution for the plunder of the Hector.
                164.  The Bombay Government having, however, obtained information s«oret«nd Poll,
            from Bushire that Sheikh Rahman bin Ullak and Sheikh Sief of Aselu had ‘J[7180«
            conjointly participated to the amount of 33,750 Rupees in the property illegally p. 2600. °
            obtained by Sheikh Rohma ; and knowing that vessels belonging to each of
            them wore in the Bombay harbour, it was deemed necessary in order to procure
            indemnity to the Company to direct an embargo to be laid on these vessels,
            until the persons in charge of them should pay or give security for the value
            of the cloth which their masters had wrongfully received. This, however, the
            parlies having declared their inability to comply with from their want of
            acquaintances at Bombay, and the Government being desirous to proceed into
            the Company’s claims against the Chieftain of Aselu, and Sheikh Abdur
            Ruhman bin Ullak in a mannor the most accommodating to themselves,
            without abandoning the grounds of our claims, instructed Mr. Bruce to
            investigate into the alleged charges against the Sheikhs and therefore consented
            to allow the departure of the vesseis in question upon condition that Haji
            Hussein Abdulla and another, the former for Sheikh Sief and the latter for
            Sheikh Abdur Rahman bin Ullak, held themselves answerable for a space of nine
            months until the result of the proposed investigation at Bushire was known.
                165.  The Hurrum family were the inhabitants and holders of the port of
            Aselu, the eldest brother of whom was called Sheikh Sief, the second Sheikh
            Hulfan, the third Sheikh Ahmud, all three sons of Sheikh Saghar and
            Governor and deputies of that port. Sheikh Abdur Rahman bin Ullak was
            not of the Hurrum family but distinct and is the Governor of the port of
            Gauvedi. Sheikh Sief having made a representation to the Shiraz Govern­
            ment on the proceedings of the British authorities, the Prince of Shiraz wrote
            to the Governor of Bombay as follows :—
            Translation of a Firmaun from His Highness Hussan Alee, Prince of Shiraz, to the Hon'ble
               Jonathan Duncan, Governor of Bombay, without date, and received the 10th February
               The very respectable Shyk Syf of the Hurrum family has conveyed a representation to
            the Prcscuce stating that several of his vessels huving been dispatched to that quarter in the
            bye past year, the oflicer of your Government under doubt with regard to them and suspecting
            Shykh isyf to have participated in the property plundered from the Hector, with Shykh Rehma
            had laid an embargo on them, but the case is as follows. Shykh Syf is a faithful servant of
            this durable Government and is of the numbers to whom is assigned the duty of furnishing
            and chastizing Shaikh Rehma, and thus the occurrence of this circumstance is inconsistent
            with the friendly line of conduct mutually observed by both States and at variance with His
            Majesty’s intentions, it is therefore commanded and desired upon becoming apprized of the
            proceeding that you give the directions that wherever the ships or people of the respectable
            aforesaid may repair to that quarter, such conduct as this shall be put a stop to in regard to
            them and that they may experience every friendly attention, and support allowing no excess or
            obstacles being exercised towards them, and in this respect considering the Royal favours and
            kindnesses extended towards them. Address yourself to His Majesty with regard to your
            wishes and solicitations which will be duly attended to.
              . 166. A similar firman was received from Oherag Khan, Minister of the
            Prince of Shiraz.
                Upon further investigation it was found that there was not sufficient Burst and Poll,
            evidence of participation of the two tribes in the property of the Hector 2ipLD5<w*
            plundered, and the proceedings against them were dropped.         No. 20 of isor.
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