Page 50 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 50



                                         tribes of the central west                                       07

                                 Tribe.                    Sub-Tribe.            I          Clan.
                       Masruh {continued):
                                                                                 ; JaqhCtlhihah, in Qacloid
                                                                                 j JUTun,Thahabfm to Jiddah
                                                                                   // unud
                                                                                  Jerdj irah, SO men
                            m                                                       Near Khuleis
                                                                                   '‘Iznriih, SO men
                                                                                    Near Khuleis
                                                                                   Wildiyah. Near Khuleis
                                                     ••                            Jahadha, 100 men
                                                                                    In Towal
                                                                                   cUsldn, 100 men.      From
                                                                                     Rabugh to Thahaban
                                                 i Zobeid in Mesopotamia. Aby Sultan
                                                 I between Muscyyi band lAlac[,( Shumamitah
                                                 j 9 hrs. E. of Hillali           ' Abu Mohammed
                                                 i                                 Abu H use in
                                                 :                                 Abu 1 Abdullah
                                                 I Wuld Salim                     :
                                                    Madwakh ibn Salim
                                                  'Auf                             S invalid      >
                                                                                   Lehabah, SO men
                                                                                     Jebel Gharan
                                                                                   Beni Sijrdn, 2,000 men
                                                                                   Haib. In Lebanon
                                                                                   Kand dir ah
                                                    Above Medina on Darb el-
                                                  Quwivdd (half are Beni Salim) ;

                                                         7. The Ateibah

          .• *•             The ATEIBAH (‘Uteibah) are the most powerful tribe in Central
      : . :•.* :•
      -  ••• :•  V*.      Arabia, strong in arms and great camel-breeders. Among all the
          .• .
                          nomads they are second in importance only to the Anazah. They
                         occupy the eastern side of the Hejaz with the volcanic han-ahs
                          between the Hajj road and the Central Arabian steppes. Their pas­
                          turages run east to Qaslm and Woshm, and south to the dlras of the
                          Cahtan, of the Buqum and Shalawah, and of the SebeiL This country
                          abounds in wells ; it has a regular if small rainfall in winter, and is
                          n"t wholly dry in early autumn, when it receives the end of the
                          nmnsnon rains. It supports large herds of sheep and camels, and in
                          places the grass grows so richly that the Bedouins gather a hay-crop ;
                            0 it where there is a low growth of acacias, and game is plentiful’.
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