Page 46 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 46
^outh-east parts of Sinai. The Subh, one of their sub-tribes, are
almost entirely nomacl and have a reputation for bravery and
valour. The other sub tribes are half settled, half pastoral, with
the exception of the Quwwad, a tribe of menials, camel-drivers, and
negroes, divided between the Beni Salim and the Masriih. The
clucf Sheikhs of the Subh are Khalil el-Ahmed, who is 25 years old,
and Slierif ibn Kami, a man of GO.
The Beni lAmr own the date-growing district of Fur' near Medina,
but their principal Sheikh, Ez-Zuweibi, is generally in Nejd. He is
••• about 18 or 20 years of age, a strong partisan of the Sherif. The
sub-tribe of the Jahm are Shiahs.
The Masriih have charge of the caravan road and hold Rabugh.
A big sub-tribe, the Zobeid (Zubeid), arc fishermen and sailors along
the coast from Jiddah to Yambok Mostly settled in villages, they
are erf a stock despised by purely nomadic Arabs. Their paramount
Sheikh, Husein ibn Mubeirik, lives at Rabugh. His territory extends
fromMasturah in the north'to Qullyah in the south.
A large group of the Zobeid is established in Mesopotamia, where
they are cultivators and herdsmen. The Beni cAli,mt Medina, are
a turbulent*confederation, bitterly hostile to the Turks. They are
at present strongly influenced by the Sherif, and before the recent
revolt were used by him to keep the town in a state of unrest and
disorder. They are a much rougher people than any of the Beni
Salim, and are sometimes said not to be of the Harb race.
Tribe. Sub-Tribe. Clan.
Beni Salim. 2,000 tents * Ahanbda, 500 men
m* more Khalil el-Ahmadi, in Jebcl
Khalil ibn Khalifah el- Fiqra between Medina and
Alunadi : Sherif ibn 1 Yam bo \
Xfimi; Muhsin ibn Subh, 1,500 men
’Abbas, in Wadi Safra Sherif ibn Nami, in Jebcl •
Subh and Bedr Hunein
• Rahalah, 500 men
. •• From Bir ‘Abbas to Bir Ibn
Hu naliycit
Khalaf ibn Nahal
. 'Azltnat I
Dhiyab ibn Mudhoyyin
Hawazin, 200 men or more I
Wadi el-Khcif. near Fiqva i
i i
... . •••. • •••