Page 42 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 42
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m ancient colony of Mawiihib husbandmen, keepers of cattle, in the
llasa. Their cilia marches with the Hejaz Railway line from a little
above El-Akhdhar to Meda’in Salih ; in the west they go down to
(lie country of the Sehamah, a clan of the Billi, and in summer the
Si'hamah come up with their flocks into the harrah.
Th#e BILLI (Bali) and the JU HEIN AH (Jcheina), both probably
settled from very ancient times in the Tihamah or coast region,
extend from Na'man Island to south of Yamboh Both are charged
with the protection of sections of the Hejaz Railway, and both are
part cult ivators and part Bedouins. The Billi are rice-carriers to the
Arabs for the Wejh merchants and Turkish subjects, as arc also
the Juhcinah, though neither are subject to much control. They
arc at feud with the Fuqara and the Wulcl Suleiman, and the
.fuheinah are always at enmity with the Harb. The paramount
sheikh of the Juheinah, the Sherif ‘Ali ibn ‘Abdullah, is a relation
( >f thefcGrand Sherif, and lives at Yambo‘ en-Nakhl. The Juheinah
Yambo* are the ‘Arfuca.
Tribe. Sub’Tribe.
Billi. (>00 tents. H uruf
.Suleiman ibn'Ra- Sehdmah
fadah, at Wejh i Quweyyin
’ Zubala
A racial
Sara'btah (All these sub-triLes very doubtful)
. Qrauli
• Suweimli
\ Fmveihi
• J email-
: Mawatyb. SOfightino-j Serdlun
men ' '''!
T ribe. Sub-Tribe. Clan%
Juheinah. 500 tents Ghaneim. E. and N. of Um-! Ghaneim, Hamdani, Thar-
•Sherif ‘Ali ibn ‘Ab- *«ih , „ i fani, Mattutti, Mehadi
(lullah of Yambo1 | Mohammed bfdih of Um- *
en-Xakhl i lejh i
1. Ml’s a
; IIa madi. Gowaq i Seidani, Shetheiwiin, Ar-
i Rashid Salamah
i rr .. . 1 shadi, Hazimi, Fiheidi
i Elatti. Habl and moun- j Hamdani, B. Mad-hi
j Kreyem ‘Abd el-Kerim
I Sindini. Habl and moun- Boran. Rn’iis el-Bil
I tains
I ‘Audah ‘Abdullah
v. ,
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