Page 84 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 84

TRIBES OF THE CENTRAL EAST                                           S3


         Hamud ibn Suweit.       Suweit.    Hamud ibn .Suweit. 2,000 tents.
                                 Sultan. '
                                 Haulah. I Hamud ibn Suweit.
                                 Battah. [
                                 Tuluh. j
                                 ‘Afnan.                     Haza4 ibn Aqrab.                          ?
                                 bhuweihi.                   ‘Ali edh-Dhuweihi.
                                 Rasimi.                     Shuwei.
                                 Sa'id.                      Mutni ibnKhailaf.                        t
                                 Husein. -                   Khallaf ibn Ja’id.
                                vBeni Khalid.               Zeil ibn Mandil.
                                 4Adwdn.                     Mandll ibn Kamil,                         ;
                                 ‘Aivdzim.                   [bn Hadbah.                               I
                                 KathT r?                    .Tali ibn Jureid.
        o                                                                                              .
      Samld.                     Dhar'an.                    Lizam abu Dhara4.
        Lizam abu Dhara1.        Mu'dleim.                   Tumeish el-Boreisi.
           1,500 tents.          Misdmir.                    cAjll ibn JTuzein. •
                                 'Areif.                     Fad4us el-Aslib.                          \
                                 'Askar.                     Munawwakh ibn Quheisan.
                                 Juwasim (Jawdsim).          Haleis ibn ‘Ufeisan.

                        4. The Muteir and the Barrlyah

    The MUTEIR, closely akin to their western neighbours, the
  larb and the Ateibah, are people of the north, claiming descent
  hrough Mudhar from Ma'add. Their territory touches the Persian
  *ulf round Koweit, and runs down the Batin till it reaches Ibn
  ia'ud’s district near Zilfi. The Beni Khalid and the A]man lie to
  he south. A turbulent tribe, some 1,500 tents strong, the Muteir
  tand fn close relations with the Sultan of Koweit; but with Ibn
  Rashid they are perpetually at feud, and no year passes without
  aiding expeditions from one dlra to the other. It was a Muteiri                                       \
  vho in 1908 killed the Emir ‘Abd el-‘Az!z, father of the present Emir
  >f Ha’il, at Raudhat el-Mahanna, near Boreidah. The Muteir harry
  he outlying settlements of Qaslm, and not infrequently interrupt
  he caravan traffic to the Gulf. Their principal Sheikh, Feisal
  •d-Derwish, pastures in the Koweit area, and is lord over some
  ;00 tents. All the Muteir belong to the confederation of Ibn Salud,                                   i
  md contribute fighting men to his raiding expeditions. They are
  amel-breeders and essentially nomadic ; for their reported settle­                                     i
  ments in Nejd and Hasa see Chap. XVI, p. 609.                                                          I

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