Page 86 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 86

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               84                        THE BEDOUIN TRIBES                                                    ■

                  The BARRlYAH are an independent tribe, but so closely allied with
               the Muteir that they are often held to be of the same stock. In all
               political relations they are at one with the Muteir, and, like them,
               they come under the authority of Ibn Sa‘ud. Their pasturages are
               in Qaslm. The last report concerning them is that they opposed
               ‘Abdullah, the second son of the Sherif, when he raided Sedeir at
               the end of 1914 in order to collect overdue taxes from the eastern
               Ateibah, and that after some fighting they were defeated.
                                            MUTEIR AND BARRlYAH
                                     Tribe.                                   Sub-Tribe.
                      Muteir, 1,500 tents.                            *Alwi.
                         Feisal ibn Sultan ed-DerwIsh.                  Feisal ibn Sultan.                     V
                         Ghaza ibn Xhuqeir.                          Jiblan.
                                                                        'tSahud ibn Lami.                      i
                                                                        Muhsin ibn Zureibari.
                                                                     Snhabah.                                  f
                                                                        Ghaneim ibn Shiblan.
                                                                      Malalibah.                               I
                                                                        Khilf el-Fighm.
                      Barrlyah. 1,200 tents.                          4Abayal.                                 j
                         Na’if ibn Masls.                               Munahi ibn ‘Aihwan.
                                                                        Shabab el-Qureifah.                   !
                                                                        ‘Aqab abu Shuweibat.
                                                                      Tha'lah.                                !
                                                                        Jerman el-Humeiclfm.
                                                                      ‘Abdillah.                              i
                                                                        Ibn Saqlyan.                          i ■
                                                                        Ibn Thamnah.

                                                 5. Beni Khdlid                                               f
                  The BENI KHALID are an ancient tribe of irreproachable iineage,
               greatly fallen in c-state. Stranded witnesses to its former wide
               range are to be found in a Khalid element of the settled popu­
               lation of Qaslm (especially at Aneizah), of Zilfi in Sedeir, of Malham
               in ’Aridh, and elsewhere in Nejd. The main reinnant, however, is
               the Bedouin tribe of the name which ranges north of the ’A]man                         on
               the Gulf shore between the Wadi Maqta; on the north and the middle
               of the Bayadh district on the south. Inland they wander into the
               Summan plateau. Scattered communities have settled in various
               outside localities, e.g. Oman, Musallamlyah Island, Qatlf, the Hasa
               Oasis, Bahrein, and Koweit, where the tribesmen have become
               pearl-fishers, &c. The nomads'own considerable date-groves.
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