Page 126 - Arabian Studies (V)
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116 Arabian Studies V
6. An unusually informative report of an interview with him appears in
the Observer of 12 April 1964. The Egyptians did not encourage the
Observeds correspondent to see ZubayrI, and little wonder, for he declared
that the Royal Family could return as private citizens and take their chance
in future elections. The Yemen should not be interfered with by any foreign
power. By this he meant Egypt, and he wanted the UAR troops to leave.
7. The bibliography of Zubayri is now considerable. ‘A group of
Yemeni writers’ has issued a series of useful studies, introduced by ‘ Abd al-
‘Azlz al-Maqalih, Al-Zubayri, sha'ir-un wa-munadil-un, Beirut, 1977. It is
interesting to note that (p.32) Zubayri attributed the weakness of both the
1948 and 1962 movements to their complete neglect of the fallah and the
tribesman cultivator (qabili fallah). Cf. Ahmad al-Shami, Min al-adab al-
Yamani, Beirut, 1974, passim.
8. For the genealogy one may consult al-Mubarrad, Nasab 'Adnan \va-
Qahtan, ed. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Maymanl, Cairo, 1936; al-Hamdanl, al-Iklil
/, ed.‘, Cairo, 1383/1963, 103 ff., al-farq bayna Qahtan wa-
'.Adnan, etc.
9. Damighat al-Dawamigh, London, July 1966, 25.
10. From al-Nadirah, a Shafi‘I, a relative by marriage of former
President al-Iryanl, whom I first met in exile in Nairobi in 1957.
11. Asrar al-Yaman, dated Cairo, 20 September 1962. He also wrote a
series of articles in Ruz al- Yusuf on the despotism of the Imamate (sic)
about this time.
12. Op.cit.,77.
13. To be dated about 1959, p.86. In al-Zubayri sha'ir-un, 146, ZakI
Barakat states that, after the 1955 attack on Imam Ahmad, Zubayri rejec
ted the Imams entirely.
14. Ma'arik wa-mu'amarat didd qadiyyat al-Yaman, 143 seq. No date
or place of publication are given, but the book is reviewed by a certain ‘All
Muhammad in the paper al-Fikr, Aden, 22 June 1957, as awwal da'wah
sarihah li-’l-Jumhuriyyah fi *l-Yaman.
15. Op. cit., 32.
16. Usturat al-Yaman al-sa'idah, Beirut, 24 March 1966/3rd Dhu *1-
Hijjah, 1385 H.
17. Published in Cairo, March 1965; cf. p.24, al-Shi'ah wa-’l-nawasib
etc., reviewed in the San‘a’ weekly al-Thawrah, 17 March 1966, by Sufyan al-
Barati, with a pointed criticism. Muhammad Nu‘man nevertheless pro
pounds quite interesting theories on Yemeni politics even if, on analysis,
one is not altogether convinced by them.
18. Nevertheless an unknown unidentified MS. exists in the Ambrosiana
(E.188, i) by a certain Mihya b. ‘Ulayf, entitled al-Qasidat al-faridah,
iftikhar al-'Adnan 'ala Qahtan, but it may have no relevance here.
19. William R. Brown, ‘The Yemeni dilemma’, Middle East Journal,
Washington, 1963, xvii, iv, 349-67.
20. Modern Yemen, Baltimore, 1967, 230. Cf. review in B.S.O.A.S.,
1970, xxxiii, 211-14.
21. A biased and untrustworthy booklet entitled al-Shi'ah fi 'l-Yaman,
Cairo, 1970, was put out under what must be a pseudonym, ‘Abdullah al-