Page 113 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 113

        ^1,1* N°. 3 1 B.*—Exports fr°in the Port of Buahire to Different Countries during the year*
                     1916-17 and 1917-18, classified according to Persian Customs.

                                                      Yxlu*.           TViioht.
              Article*.           Count rie*.
                                                 1916-17.  1917-18.  1916-17.  1917-18.

                                                   £        £       Tons.    Ton*.
        Jslche*             Oman                    7C0      268        8        2
        3c?VC* •            India                   195      420   No. 16   No. 16
        D&stcj-*            Oman                     27        S    r»  6        1
                            Mesopotamia              33             »«  6
                                                     CO        3   No. 12   No. 1
        Cstil* .            Oman , .                           3            No. 2
        Jc«p and Goat* •    Oman .     ,           1.2CO     237  No. 2.662  t, 466
                            Mesopotamia *   •        72               115
                                                   1.3C2     237  No. 2,807  No. 466
        isIroals not specified  Oman .              333      333
                            Mesopotamia               7        6
                                                    315      338
        TTccd for building o  Mesopotamia          2,176     389      198       36
                            Oman                    150      275       29       26
                                                   2.225     G64      227       62
        Tcod, manufactured                            5
        Ycod not 6t«c<ified .                         2                 1
        Ylici and Vinegar   India .    .              1       27     • M
                            Other countries .        41       GO       1         1
                                                     42       77        1        1
        Cfvhol and Spirits of TTine •   •••           2
        las-dc-VIe .        Mesopotamia   o           8
        ’asdle*             Oman •                            16
        -cal and Charcoal .  Mesopotamia   0         46       bi        b
                            Oman ,     9  0         130      606       17       72
                                                    176      720       22       77
        2Jter, preferred    Other countries .       97*       47        6
        lice                                        108       64        6        1
        *t*at .             Oman   ,   .            438                10
        H'J .   .                                   360
           other .          India   ,   .           508      817        4        t
                            United Kingdom •          1              • ••
                            Oman   ,   0      0     956      138       39        7
                            Mesopotamia   0        ' 292*    211       10        8
                                                   1,757    U96        63       17
        flour .             Golf Porta ’            197                 8
            .   0           India                   537 3    854       90       69
                            Oman   3                119                19
                                                    056      664      109       69         !
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118