Page 112 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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                Table No. 3 ‘A.'-Import Into the Port ol Dushlrc from Different Countries during tbe year,
                            1916*17 and 1917-18, classified according to Persian Cutonis-conoid.

                                                             Talus.            VaLUS.
                       Article*.          Countries.
                                                         1916-17.  1917*18.  1916-17,  1917-18.
                                                           £        £      Ton*.    Ton*.

                Dyea, Indigo         India                15.530   27,376     27       31
                                     United Kingdom         200      2G6
                                     Switzerland .          88
                                                          15,SIS   27.641     27       31

                Paints, Etc% Ynmuhea .   India              127     227        2       2
                Vegetable* and eubKancca                    23       38                1
                Glasa and Cryataiwaro .  India              3$1    1,553       8       U
                                     United Kingdom          4
                                     Other Countriea .       8
                                                            393     1,558      8       11

                Window gUsa          India ,                356     996       10       13
                                     Bclgi zm .                     200                4

                                                            358    1,196      10       17

                Opium . KfM •  ' *  Oraaa                    6 .
                AN az, ra*w .       India                    8
                310tor*, Motor Cjlea, Cjka,   India         21      796     •••
                 Carriages, and Accessories.
               Silrer in Isgota     United Kingdom        41,250
                Sped* .             India                 94,737   34,785
                                    Oman .     .           1,793   4,481
                                    Mesopotamia. .         7,126 •  12,410
                                                         103,656   61,676

                                                                      Sterling.  vTona.
                        Total Import* in 1916-1917 .   9 'Z .         1*299,562  21,467
                          »  „   » 1917*1918 .                     :•  2,439,179  39,258

   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117