Page 107 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 107


         Tabic No. 3 ‘A.*—Imports Into the Port of Bushire from Different Countries during the year %
                    1916-17 nnJ 1917-18, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
                                                      Vaiu*.           Wuonr.
               Article*.          Conn trie*.
                                                 1916-17.  1917-18.  1918-17  1917-18.

                                                   £        £      Ton*.     Too*.
         I;ja Manufactures   India                 2,513    2,021      44       18
                             United Kingdom.         11
                             Other Countries .        3       60
                                                   2,527    2,031      «        18

         Th. Lead, aod Zinc, in sheet*,  India     11,593  11,774      38       35
          blocks, etc.       United Kingdom.        214                 1
                             Oman .                 374                 1
                                                   12,181  11,774      40       35

         To. Lead a.nd Zinc Manu- India            1,252      S7        3
         Co;per and Nickel, In plates,  India       110      104                 1
          iceets, etc.       Oman               a     4       23     - '}
                                                    114      137       1         1

         Ci’pzcT and Xkicl Manufactures India       315      422       1        2
         Aluminium Manufactures  India             . 41       74              ««0
                            Oman                      1
                                                     42       74

         G'.ld and SDreir Manufactures  India       147      939              • mm
                             United Kingdom.                  17
                                                    147      950
         Pntaou« Stone*     India      *             30      260
         £cn»^ worked and unworked.  India           32       4        1
         Antral Product*, not specified India •   •  447     234       31       17
                            Oman                    172      413      US       in
                            Odier Countries .        3        10        8       U
                                                    622      657      147      160

         c«toa, raw .                                3
         tetca Tarns        India                 48,651   39,828     433      m
                            United Kingdom.        6,380    7,468      16       17
                                                  65,031   47,296     448      243
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112