Page 106 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 106
Tnblc No. 3 «A.'-Imports Into the Port of Hushirc from Different Countries during the yea,.
1916-17 nod 1917-18, classified according to Persian Custom*—contd. 1 Who irr.
Article*. Countries.
1916-17. 1917-10. 1916-17. 1917-18.
£ £ Ton*. Tom*.
Vanila and Saffron. India 2 2
. Oil Cloth (Wai Cloth) . India 39 9
Rubber, taw India 9
Oman 3
3 9
Rubber in block India 3
• Goloshc* and other Rubber India 4 13 17
.Clothing India 3,534 9(486 1 1
United Kingdom 40 81
Other Countries . 2 12
3,376 9,579 1 1
Kerosene (Ml . United Slates of America 223 4,121 11 202
India . . 19 1
Oman .... BJB32 1,127 492 C3
Mesopotamia . • 12 3 1
7,077 5,251 505 205
Minoral 03a, not specified 135 70 6 3
'Instruments, musical and India 405 20 1
Animal Product*, not 7 1
Mineral Waist* ,* *• India 3
Iron, old, scrap, etc. India 1 3
Oman . . 10 1
Mesopotamia . 3
11 6 1
Iron and 8teel, in bans plates, India 217 34 11
etc. • Oman 10 1 1
227 36 1*
Iron Sheet*, galvanized India 6
Tin Sheet* .* # India 1,030 130 11 2
U ailed Kingdom. 20* S
Mesopotamia . • H* 8
1,232 138 14 2