Page 101 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 101

       fable No. a * B.*—Principal Exports from the Port of Bushirc to Different Countries during
                             the years 1915-16, 1916-17 and 1917-18.

                                             Valve.               WsiOHT,
                                     1916-iC.  1916-17.  1917-18.  1916-16.  1916-17.   1917-18.

                                       £       £      t     Tow.    Ton*.  Ton*.
       Jlstche*   .   .   •             1*27    7SO    238     17      8       2
       ]for»c* and Foal*   #             303    193    420  No. 25   Xo. 16   So. 16
      Sheep And Goat* •   .              GOT   1JC2    237  „ 1310  - 2307   406
       IJatier                        . 3,331   974     47     51      6
       AVheat   .   •   •               210     439            38      10
      B»*y                                4     3C0                    38
      (fcher Grain                     1,592   1,757  1,198    113     53     17
      I>at«   •   .   •                1,135    656    054     230    J02     59
       Almonds and Pistachio*          15,920  11,816  23,257  190    130    238
       Raifrn* .   .   •                814     195    450     49      7      13
       Rraewater ...                   2.4-V,  4,732  3,343    123    154     93
       Assaf<*tida .   .   ;           3.32S    761   3.005    37      6      18
       Jlrnp not specified   .         6,150   4,791  4,CO-4   393    101     174
       Gain, Insoluble   .   •         5.S49   2,292  1.062    599    218     135
       Gam. Tragacanth                 45.502  62,914  73.X4   400    271     385
       Auiital Product* nqt specifed    481     733   4.541     3      7      15
       Spice* •   . '   •              1.353    563    340     30      12      7
       CcCtcn, raw   •   •               30?    230   4.153     7      4      47
       Wool, raw .   .   •             14,791  56,S17   11.490   370  715     218
       Carpet* of Wool   .   .         61,151  18/93   12^41   167     02 •   27
       Opi cm ...                     347,493  236,333   622,4S3   1S5  84    164
       Skin*, raw .                    11,723  21,SW   IP,•-•90’   208  292   229
       Tobacco, unmanufactured         3,269   6,553  8^62     99     124   - 140
       Indigo                            313                    1
       Vegetable Substance* .            102    562    302      4      47     16
       Charcoal and Coke                 17     176    720      4      22     77
       Wood for building *              1,329  2,320   004     226    227     62
       Fruits, fresh, dry, etc.          616   UJ7    2.078    134     79     147
       Soft Sugar                        605   2,701  10,449   24      64    281
       Tissues of Cotton               6,865   2,208  3,002    42      7      10
       Kerosene .                        10?   2,333   8*3      3     172     57
       8p>ccie                         49,458  2,543  3*32
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106