Page 99 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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        fable No. * 1B.*—Comparative Statement of Exports from Bushlre to AU Countries during the
                               years 191516, 1916-17 and 1917-18.

                                                    lacrosse n   Decrease In   ArrROXiXATi
                                                     1917-18   1917-13  PSRCSMTACK.
               Country.        1915-16.  1916-17.  1917-18.  compared   compart*!
                                                      with   with
                                                     1916-17.  1916-17.  1915-17.  1917-18.
                                 £      £       £      £       £    Per cent.  Per cent.

        Cnilod Kingdom .       285,123  138,635  284,588  125.953     25-78  24-67
        India •   •   •»   •   137,292  109,724  153,450  43,726      24-75  18*69
        Oa»n   •   a   •         3,365  16,4-17  24,469  8,022         3-71   2-98
        Xfsopctxnia .   .       47,788  10,865  13,170  2,305          2-45   1-60
        Tnitod States of America   23,105  23,463  22,017  • M  1,116  2*29   2-69
        Singapore  n   .   •    31,476  94,272  253,117  158,845      21-26  30-83
        Hongkong  .   .   ,     21,709  18,625  69.050  00,425         4-20   8-10
        ISTPt                    8,C63  11,085   393          10,692:  2-19   0-05
        ithrtin                  6,131                 • ••                  •U
        Trsflce                  1,037   250     667    417   • ••
        Gormanj ,                3,600
       iutria Hingary             368
        lawiit ,                  488                                 007     009
        lien .   .                        68                    68
                                •W             mm
        *oscat                    136
       War Ccaiiries               23
                      Total    593,056  4-13,434  820,961  539,693  12,176  100  100

                                                     Increase h 1917-18,
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104