Page 95 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 95
Customs Receipts In the Quit Ports. The average monthly rates of Bank demand
drafts on London and India were, during the II
Gross Customs receipts for the past 4 years past 2 years :—■' !
^re been
London. London. Bombay. Bombay.
1911-15. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18.
1916-17. 1917-18. 1916-17. 1917-18.
@ 55 @ 60 @40 @30
krann. km ns. km ns. kran*. March 21st-31«t 52* 37* 3-18 262
April . 51 371 363 262
£ £ £ £
May Ml 36} 344 252
:jU« 99,246 115,141 99.895 200,523 June . M| 36} 316 249
lisizr Abbus 28.775 40,547 74,610 112,827 July . 49 31} 330 235
iaUsUn 33.217 61,123 1C3.378 209,223 Auguit. 46} 32} 310 225
September 47} 30} 318 215
Total 103.2G5 216,311 337,883 522.57S October 41 29 293 215
November 39 29} 262 215
This handsome total and all-round increase can Dccc-micr 33* 31} 225 224
:!v be accounted for by general briskness cf
-Je. As British loans to Persia arc secured on January 1918 52} 32} 224 228
j receipts of Southern Customs the result cs
. ^factory: it is believed however that, under February 33} 32 230 225
muratorrira system, the proceeds go to the March 1st-20th 25} 32 246 225
Viian Government at present.
Average for the year 33*12 krans to the £,
2:32*465 „ per Bs. 100.
Maximum rates 3S*75 krans to the £ and 270
The rate, which in the preceding year had krans to the Bs. 100 on the 4th April 1917.
._sa from 52 to 35, went as low during the Minimum 28*75 and 210 on the 30th
«under review as 28*75 and recovered to 32 September 1917 and 15th September 1917
■ps to the pound sterling. Bupee exchange respectively.
-from 2C2 to 225 krans per 100 rupees in the Rainfall.
period, 3G5 being regarded as the normal.
The drop in kran exchange is attributed to 1914-15. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18.
vcity of brans in South Persia together with
' jvrmal demand for military and gendarmerie Inches. Inches. Inches.
-poses. Military requirements in the North Inches.
;- already denuded the South of funds. On the March 21st-31st OOO 1*63 0*10 000
-ir hand the collapse of Bussia meant that
‘k which had previously been done with Bussia April . 001 1*28 205 000
done with India, hence the demand for ; November . 3-28 OOO OOO OOO
has increased to a very considerable extent; j
-* has helped to keep the rupee rate fairly ■ December . 1*18 0-20 1-61 2*45
^•y, which otherwise (owing to large kran !
laments against rupee exchange) would have January 043 3*85 4*47 1*39
*j?very low. At the same time the present February 077 105 1*45 Ml
/** the exchange, coinciding as it does with
•trceptional activity in the import trade, is not March lst-20tb . 2-42 074 005 100
-ccraging. ______________ „