Page 96 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 96
The rainfall for the season October to May Freights.
has for tho last 10 years been as follows :— The rate for general cargo to India rcmaiQ(lj
Io:nct. at the high figure of Its. 30 per ton.
1908- 09 . 6-41 Special rates to India:—
1909- 10 . 16'22 It*. A- F.
Eowwatcr, rte. . 14 0 per c\ik.
1910- 11 . 2-0-29
1911- 12 930 H . 0 10 0 * carboy.
1912- 18 . C07 Wool .10 0 0 a bale.
1918-14 . 11» Gas Cylinders . . ’ 6 0 0 a piece.
1914-16 . 10^9 STcins .31 8 0 per ton.
Specie . 0 12 0 percent.
1916-16 876
1916- 17 7-58 All shipments to London were by tranship
ment in India, rates being:—' f
1917- 18 6*W
Opium . 100 shillings per eh(<
Tho harvest was a moderately goed one; Gum (if arch-April 1917) . 160 - tea.
owing to tho lateness of tho 1917 rain (late in (AprD-Maj 1917) . 270
December) the new crops (summer 1918) have (iLaj-Novcnnlcr 1917) 290 *9 W
been only a partial success ; whilst in the interior,
Shiraz, Piruzabad, etc., famine conditions have (2tort. 1917-March 1918) 310 * ■V
prevailed, partly owing to a plague of locusts. Goat slums 270 «*
Carpets . 290
Public Health. Rates for New York by transhipment were:—
No plague cases occurred in Bus LIre during the Carpets (April-Septcmber 1917) 400 shillings per ton.
year under review, though there was a consider (Septcunhsr 1917-March COO H 0 p
able epidemic in Bahrain and smaller ones at 1918 J.
Mohammerah and Charak (near Lingah). Two (March 1918) 650 ft
•cases of plague were taken off a mail steamer in Gum (April-September 1917) 360 „ „
May and treated on Quarantine Island. The (September 1917-March 600 9* n w
ship was dcratised at Bombay in consequence as 1918 *
there were dead rats aboard. Three fatal cases (March 1918) 650 St m
of cholera occurred on Quarantine Island among Sheep Casings (March-August 330 „ m
passengers taken off another mail steamer in . 1917)L
November. (Augu-st 1917-March 655 * »
Though cholera was reported frcun the
(March 1918) 650 n m
neighbourhood of Shiraz and also from the Hinter
land nearer Bnshire, it did not show itself in Tobacco 350 »
Bushire during the period under review tfcongh Opium 180 f* „ ekit
it appeared in a limited epidemic in April I91S. . Rates for Persiaa Gulf Ports:—
Small-pox in epidemic form did not occur in Rs. a. T.
Bushire during the year. Malaria continued to General «rgs 17 8 0 per ton.
‘ "be very prevalent in the autumn and winter. Cases and Carboys 10 0 and Aa. 8 nA.
Prevailing diseases were malaria, rheumatic Gas Cylimien 6 0 0 each.
•affections, eye diseases, diseases of the digestive
organs. Rates for Opium to
The number of ships calling at Bus hire which Singapore (Maxch-September Rs. 00—70 per chcd-
underwent medical inspection was 196 and the 1517).
number of passengers removed to quarantine was (8epttmber 1917- „ 80-90 • •
785 (coolies 3,297). Regular despatches of coolie March 1918).
gangs for labour in Basra involved tbe return of Hongkong (Marcb-September „ 60—70 m "
a considerable number of sick men, and daring 1917).
the period when quarantine had to be imposed (8epteirber-Nomn- „ 80—90 0 0
against Mohammerah and Basra added to the ber 1917).
numbers to be quarantined on the Island. (NoT'eatber 1917- m 110 . -
March 1918).
Corpses despatched to Xerbela: nil. Tamrni m 9& m 0
Pilgrim ships: «tf» Kukrag „ 160-160 » -