Page 91 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 91
20 Shall. (40 jml.) . =1 Kriu=71«f.
10 Kxau . • • =1 Tuman.
Coinage current in district:—Nickel pieces of 1 and Z shahis; silver pieces of 1 Icran (very few),
2 and 5 krans (few), Imperial Hank of Persia jotes of 1, 2, 3, 5,10, etc., tnxoans.
In Bushirc itself rupees and sovereigns are commonly accepted.
Maximum Kran* 3875.
Minim cm * 2875.
Average - „ 33-12.
Weights of Commercial Importance in District.
16 Klara (1 Bafilirc man) . . . 775 lbs.
1 Tabriz or Cuitoma man (abo called batman) . 6-54 „
1 Shiraz man ...... 736 „
1 Haslim man:—
In Buahire ...... 124 „ -
In Chogadak and CLxlikntah 12-4 „
In Angali, RudhiTeb, Khusbab, Ziarat, SLalankarcb, Zaidun and BehbeLan 1391 ..
In Zirah and Bibira ......... 155 „
In Hayat Daud .. ........ 186 *
In Lirawi ... .... .... 2321 „
In Hindian...................................................... 240 p.
1 Kharaar (100 batmans)............................................. • • • 654 „
Transport from Bushire to the interior is almost entirely by mules. A fair weight for bales
transported by mules is 150 to ISO lbs. each half mule-load. Cases should be oblong, about 30 by 16
by 16 inches.
Non ’—Statistical Tabic* bare been converted at the rate cf 60 lau to the £1 for 1015-16, at 40 Irani for
1916-17 and at 30 kxam for 1917-18.