Page 87 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 87

     Return of Shipping: of all Nationalities which Entered and Cleared In the foreign Trade of the Port
                  of Bushire during the year 21st March 1916—20th Alarch 1917.
                                    (a) Steam Vat eh.
                         X1TKRED                               CLEARED
                Wira Cato,  I* DiLLAlT.  Total       Wit* Cii«o.  la Biiun,  Total

               No. of   NH Xo.ofl Net No. of   Net   No. of   Xrt  No. of \ Net No. <4 Kit
               VraecU.  T aurjge. V nul*. Tonnage Yewcla. Temuage.  ViakIs. Touaag-e.  Vmclo. Tonnage. TumU. Tonnxgr.
     F.-:ti»b .  91 124*721  S  10,794   90 135,515  British .  80 112,991  15  18,220   93 131/11

     Japanese .  U  10,775         11  16,775 Japanese  6  9/63  4  6,484   10  15/67
     Swedish .   1                  I      Swedish     1                 1
       Total    103  111,196   5  1Q79 V1 108  152.290  Total  67  122,074  19 ] 24,701  106 146,77®
                       I         I
                                   (b) Sailing Vesteli.
                                       ENTERED.                 CLEARED.
         NAT1C3AL1TT OF VESSEL*.       Vni Cabo©.               Wit* Caboo.

                                 So. of VisyJ*.  Net Tonnage.  So. of Veaseh.  Net ToaDAga.
     Fenian                           2S6        6,466        286         6,466

     Arab                             117        3,893         117        3,893
                       Total          4C3       10.359  I     403        10,369

     Return of British Shipping which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade ol the Port of Bushire
                      during the year 21st March 1916—20th March 1917.

                         ENTERED.                              CLEARED.
      COUNTRIES                             COUNTRIES
       WHENCE  Wit* Coco.  1* Bmin.  T3TAE-  WHENCE .   W IT* CaBCO.  1* Baua«t.  Total
      ENTERED.                              ENTERED.
               No. of   Nit  I4o.rf  Net  No. of   Net  No.ot  Kit No. o< Net   No. o«l Not
              Vessels. Tomnage.  Vok&. Tonnage.  TimiIi. Torcnage.  Vcaeols. Totuage. Vej*iI*jTooa»go. ▼eaeU. Tonnage.
     U tiled   Kmc-  1  3/92  2  5,660  S  9/32 United King-  2  8*371  1  2/49  3  8/20
     India      90  120/29  1      91  120,729 India ,  78 107/20   14  15,271  92 122/91
     Alexandria           1  2,474  1  2,474

     Fern*                   2/60’ 1
                          1            1/60
       Total    91  124,721  5  10,79 ij   98  133/15  Total  80  112/9  18/20   95
                                                            1 "            131/11
                            o, si, ?, L—370 F. 1 P. D.—19-118.—*

   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92