Page 83 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 83
Tabic No. 3 (B)—Imports into the Port of Busliire from different Countries during the years
1915-16 and 1916-17, classified according to Persian Customs—ronid.
1915-16. 1916-17. 191516. 1910-17.
£ £ Ton*. Tom.
Fresh, dry, etc. Golf port* 816 1.237 134 79
Vegetable* • 109 31ft 2*1 42
Vegetable oil* • — .H 41 2 1
Egp • 10 12 No. 6,500 No. T,000
IJorcj . 12 84
Fresh, salted, etc. 11 47 1 7
Satt Turkey 0 8 S
Loaf • Taricey 373 500 9 8
Other Conntrieo 2
375 500 9 : 8
Soft and CTjatal . Turkey 445 2,761 24 €1
Bahrain . 220 •••
605 2,761 21 1 64
Sheets . 34 14
A-rnfortida . India . 3.328 7C1 37 j 6
Lose water • India^ . , 1,871 3,218 93 j 10S
Bahrain . 346 so «
Other Countries 217 1.434 49
2,431 4,732 123 154
Drags—not specified India 4,030 3,196 205 36
United Kingdom 754 67
Oman . . 527 1,293 *> 58
Turkey . 314 302 23 7
Bahrain . 286 30 r
Other Countries 239 12 :
6,150 4.791 383 101
Spise*—not specified India 935 291 18 8
Other Countries 423 272 12 4
1,358 563 30 IS
C tra
ins o', ah 1* , India . 6,849 2,281 599 218
Turkey > 1
6,849 2,283 599 218
Tragic*nth • » United Kingdom • „ 37,324 33,439 341 198
United States of America . 4,985 I650 36 7
India , 3,033 18,828 23 69
Egypi . ICO 1
45,502 63,914 | 400. 271