Page 79 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 79

         Tabic No. 3 (A)—Imports into the Port of Uusliirc from different Countries during the year#
                    191516 and 1916-17, classified according to Persian Customs—confi.
                                                 1915-16.  1916-17.  1916-16.  1910-17.

                                                    £        £      Tons.    Ton#.
        Chemical product* ,  India                 1,119    4.862      21       88
                          United Kingdom             14        6
                          Other Coarjtrioo            4
                                                   1,107    4358       24       88
        Typographical an-d litho-  India .   ,,     6(4      255        9        3
         grnplicaJ product#.  Cnited Kingdom        506        9        4
                          OtLor Countries             6
                                                   1.056     264       13 2      2
        Forage ,          India                      26      170       14       33
                          Turkey .                   13       30        9       11
                                                     39      200       23       43

        Hesin aid bitumen ,  Irdift                  32       18        1        1
        Soap, perfemod    r-jlia                     G3      109                 1
                          Uniiod Kingdom             4
                                                     67      109                 1

        Soap, other .    Iviia                      532      454       23       11
                         Other Countries             6
                                                    £38      451       22       11

        Tubacco, unmanufactured . Inil*              5        2
                         Onan                                 1
                                                     6        3
        Tobacco, manufactured , India              .478     1.(78      3        4
                         Utitod Kingdom             91        18       1
                         Other Countrua#            79       199                1
                                                    6-lS    1,690      3        5
        byes, indigo .   India ,   .                40     15,530              27
                         United Kingdomi                     200
                         Switzerland                         88
                                                    40     16,818              27

        Piinla, dyes amd ram Lake*, Tnda  *   •     97       127       3        2
                         Other Couotrio#             4
                                                   102       127       2        2
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84