Page 81 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 81

         fable No. 3 (B)—Exports from the Port of Bushlrc to different Countries during the years
                    1915*16 and 1916-17, classified according to the Persian Customs^
                                                1515-16.  39:6-17.  1016-18.  1916-17.

                                                   t        £      Tona.    Terns.
                         Turleej .                 LOzl               14
                         Bahrain •                  174               3
                         Oman                       32      760                8
                                                   1,227.   760       17       8
         Him*            Indio                      258     195  No. 19   No.  16
                         Oman                       47            m    6
                                                    305     105  No.  25  No. 16
         Dcakej*         Bahrain .                  25           No.   6
                         Oman                                27     • M   No.  6
                         Turkey •                            33           tl   6
                                                    25       GO  No.   6  No. 12
         Car.le        . Oman                        2           No.   1
         £!iep and gonia .  .' Oman                 417    1,290  No. 1,331  No. 2,662
                        j Bahrain .                 100              476
                         Turkey .                            72           No.  146
                                                    G07    1,302  No. 1,810  No. 2.S07

         At-iniib—not speriSed   . Bahrain .        85
                        • Oman                              338  1  Nambers not given.
                         Turkey •                             7
                                                    S3      346

         Keed for building .  Turkey               L3I6    2,176     211      198
                         Oman                       83      150       15       29
                                                   1,329   2,326     226      227

         *iod, manufactured                         14        6     • M

         ( oed—not specified,                        I        s                 1
            ar.d vinegar •  India . ^ .            104        1        2
                         Otior Countries            62       41        1       1
                                                   166       42        3       1
         •cofcol and spirit* of vine India          n
                         Other Countries                      t
                                                    n         2
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86