Page 97 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 97
Piece-goods. Freight Fpace from Bombay (transhipment*
flusinesa in cotton piece-geode during the year from the United Kingdom), was available in
nJer report is stated to have been on the whole greater volume and with less delay than in
u-rj favourable. In addition to the improved 1916-17, and this of course helped to improve
'onoition of the reads, which has been tone bed business.
n above, owing to increasing prices b the United The great drawback to the trade was not so
Kingdom each lot of geode that arrived in much the high rate of freight (£60 to £80 per
••lusliirc was cheap in comparison wi:h replacing ton for 173 miles), as great dearth of transport,
•ices; this gave hnyers a good nargin and so few animals in comparison with the quantity.
• Juced them to send forward further orders to of gxxls to be lifted.
-peat the goods.