Page 102 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 102
Tabic No. 3 ‘A.’—Imports into the Port of Bushirc front Different Countries during: the yean
1916-17 and 1917-18, classified according to Persian Customs. Wkioht.
Article*. Coantrie*.
1P1C-17. 1017-18. 1916-17. 1917-18.
£ JC Ton*. Tone.
M a tcli 04 India 463 131 6
Sweden 7,4-12 116 08 2
Other Couutric* . 134 23 1
8,039 303 105 2
Animal* 416 175 No. 233 No. 106
Arms —Gun, Rifle*, India 12 1
Revolvers, etc.
Cartridge* . India 40
Wood, for building India 3,255 4,082 230 292
Oman 930 1,076 92 194
Me.-opoUrnia 352 154 CbJ 18
Zanzibar 5,652 504
4.570 12,104 376 1,008
Wood, manufactured India 13 1
Oman 3
16 1
Wood, not specified 1,976 1,396 1,080 646
Wine* . . India 304 564 2 I
Franc* 15
United Kingdom 57
Italj 15 1
Oman 1
335 621 3 1
Brand/, WLIslej, and Spirits of India 987 2,626 6 10
Win*. United Kingdom $ 33
1,059 2,659 6 • 10
Beer and Vinegar . Indie 891 487 22 11
France 30 1
921 487 23 11
Candle* Indie . ^ . 4,073 11,578 66 110
Other Countries . 400 4 •••
4,473 11,678