Page 104 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 104

                 • Table No. j'A.’—Imports into the Port of Bushire from Different Countries' during the v**.
                              1916-17 and 1917-18, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.   J **

                                                                 V XLCR.          Wkight.
                          Articles.          Countries.
                                                            1910-17.  1017-13.  1916-17.  1917-U

                                                               £        £       Tons.    T«i
                   Flow .               India .   .          30,221   79.013    1,991    4,0*.
                                       Oilier Coentrie* .      186      152       10       i
                                                             30,107   79,763    2,001

                   Macaroni and Vermicelli .                     2        9
                   Biscuits           . India                  3-18     239        3       1.
                                        United Kingdom          17       19
                                                               363    •   233      3       Si

                   Alinenlary probCrres (Cheese   India        113       C7        1
                    and -Milk)          United Kingdom           3
                                                               120       67        1

                  Dates                Mesopotamia            L363T    1,1C9     155
                                       Oman .            *:    436      532       47
                                                              1,801 |   1,727    202      1*

                  Fruits, fresh pji-d dry  India .   .         550      528       28      If.
                                       Other Countries .       179      189       11
                                                               729      717       39

                  Fruit*, p rover e-d .  India .   .           870      979       13      t
                                       United Kingdom           &
                                                               873 I    979       13      l:
                  Oiira Oil            India                   48       24
                                       Italy                    7
                                                                63      24

                  Vegetable Ols, ether  India                 . 70      203       2       r
                                       Oman                             30
                                   j                           70       239       S
                  Vegetables, feesh, &jj and India            1,981    ijsn      170
                   preserred.          Other Countries .       66       109       7       V
                                                             2,027     1,980     177     1*


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