Page 98 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 98

                 Tabic No. 1 * A.’-—Comparative Statement of Imports into Bushirc from AU Countries during ^
                                         years 1915-16, 1916-17 and *917-18.
                                                              Inert***? in  Decrease in   ArrzoxtxATi
                                                                1917-19   1917-18   Pzicektaoz.
                         Country.        1915-16.  : 916-17.  1917-18.  compared  compared
                                                                with    with
                                                               1916-17.  1910-17.  191G-17.  1817-18.
                                           £       £      C       £      X    Per cent.  Per tent.
                 India .                  669,670  1,036,818   2,256,303  1,219,497  79-73  >92-m
                 United Kingdom •         75,333  208,29S   122,080     86,218  1603    6-00
                 Dutch Indies              8,038   3,963                 3,963   0-31   000
                 Oman                      4,913  26,379   31,937  6.658         195    131
                 Mesopotamia .   •         7,361  17,147  18,592  1.445          1*32   0-76
                 United States of America  3,064    223   4,121  3,893
                 Switzerland •             2,490    88                     88
                 Ilonglcong .               814
                 Muscat .                   784   •H
                 Bahrain                   3,844
                 France                     660     86      47             39  r  061   0-43
                 Italy •                    554     72                     72
                 Netherlands                455
                 Kuwait                     302   •••
                 Belgium •   •                             200     200
                                                           146     146
                 Sweden                           •M
                 Other Countries .            1    7,483  5,751          1,737
                 Germany                    101
                 Austria Hungary.
                 Bus* La
                                Total     777,317  1,299,562  2,439,179  1,231,734  92,117  100  100

                                                                Increase in 1917-18,

   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103