Page 119 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 119

                                          27                                                 ;
      „ «urn of Shipping of all Nationalities which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
      K             of Bushirc during the year 21st March 1917—aotb March 1918.
                                    (a) Steam Feu eh.
                           ENTERED.                             C LURED.
                 Wit* C«iao.  I* Dillatt.  Total.     "Wit* CaXCK).  Ir Btuin,  Total.
                                             or VESSELS.
                No. of .  Net  No. of I Net No. of I Net   Net Net   No. of  Net
                Vessels. Tonnage. Ywels. Tonnage. Vessels. Teenage  Z^ll. Tannage.  Vessels. Tonnage. fu«li. Tonngv.
                                      I              I
      British •   CS  101,020  7  12,7ia   75  116,758 Brituh .  45  69.721  24  38,942  C9  108,363
      Sridiib .            9         3      8wedi*h .            1         1
      >’or*rgi»n  2  lfiCG  2  2,132   4  1,19b Norwegan  1  1/XJ3  3  2,132  4  3,193
      Jafiacf*   10  13,407         10  13,407 Japao«M  8  4X08  0   7,252  9  .11,200       I

        Totals    80  118,193  12  14,850   92  133,343  Totals  49  74.795  3-4  48,026   83 122,821

                                    (£) Sailing Vessel*.
                                             ENTERED.              CLEARED.

             XACTONALITT Of VESSELS.         Wit* Casco.           Wrm Caim.
                                       No. of Vessels.  Net Tenrsge.  No. of Vessel.  XetTonnsgs.

      Ptriisa                              410       8851        410       8,951
      Arab                                 208       62SO        208       6,290

                              Totals       618       15,241      618       15,241

      Return of British Shipping which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port of Bushire
                        during the year 21st March 1917—20th March 1918.

                          ENTERED.                              CL EASED.
       COCSTRIER                             C0UNTEIE8
        WHENCE   Wit* Casco.  1* Ballast.  Total.  TO WHICH   Wrr* Casco.  I* Baiuh.  Total.
       ENTERED.                               CLEARED.
                No. of   Net  No. of | Net   No. of  N*  To. of   Net  No. of 1 Bet Bo. of   Net
               TmmU Tcsasgs  Vessels. Tonnage. Vessels. Tonnage.  Vessels. Tosasgn.  TesMls.Tomag*. Vessels.
      Unite* • King-  1     2  5,514  9  5,514 United King-       9  6,514   3  5,514
                                             don.            o
      India .     78 107,298  I  7,204  78 114^02 India .  49  69,813   23  »,Ml!  7*  101,364

        Totals    74 107,298  7  12,718   81  120,016 Totals  49  69813  26   29,066   76  106378 •
                                ou PI-285 P. * P. D.—6-13-15,
   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124