Page 121 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 121
No. C.-10?, diled Ua6blre, the SCth April 1020.
From—LieoiBSiyr-Cotosn A. P. Tbevor, C.S.I., C.I.E., Deputy Politic*
Resident, Ptrdan Gulf, and Acting firilUh Consul-General,
To—The Hon'blb Mi, II. R. C. Dobbs, C.S.I., C.I.E., Sccrctarj to theGovernment
of India in tho Foreign and Political Department
In continual ion of this office letter No. 0.-368, dated 8th September
1018, I have tho honour to forward herewith, for the information of tho Go?*
ernrnent of India, tho statistics of the trade of the Port of Buahire for the year
1018-19, together with a brief report which I have made on the subject.
Owing to the absence of any Vice-Consul and tho pre-occupation of tho
late Mr. Bill in matters connected with tho operations, this .report has been,
I am sorry to say, unduly delayed. It is also, I fear, not of such a thorough
nature as usual, because the entire superior staff of the Residency and Consulate-
General ha3 changed 6incc tho year under review, and no Officer is now here
who was in the Residency during that year. The statistics will, however, be
useful for record, I hope.
Should tho Government of India be pleased to have tho report printed, I
should be glad to bo supplied with ten copies.