Page 129 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 129
TADLB No. 1« A ”
•lea Statement of Import i info Bath ire from a’l countriet during the gear* 1916-17. 1917-18 and
19 la-19.
r Increxia In Deere-iae ia JLrrtozmiTi Fiictrt-
/ ao*.
Country. 101G-17. 1017-18. 1918-19. ootnj arid compared
«lrh with
1017-15. 1917-18. 1917;18. 1913-19.
£ £ £ £ £ P«r cant. Par teni.
],030,S 18 2.25C.305 2^SO,9K 24,680 92-oO 7743
206,198 122.C80 *79,70 357,009 6-00 16-28
2.363 54.193 54.193 0-00 1-84
uk Ia£w •
43,057 43,559 0-00 1-4S
23,379 31.937 18,720 13,217 1*31
-H •*?
^poUml* .. 17,147 18,593 13,309 6,223 0*76 046
SUltc of America 223 4.121 611 3.510 cm
itriHf"* • • 88 11.857 11,857 0.40
11,884 11,834
L.*tia • SQ
72 .11,662 10.582 0-36
ly. •
m 7,698 7^T8
7,304 7,304 0-43 035
fl* • r. .. f
86 47 2.951 2.904 wo
nft . 2.091 2.G91 0-09
p‘ua • • 200 2CO 0-00
yin . 118 -,r~. 140 OOO
. V/.-l
•aCoostiiec . 7,458 5,751 2,331 3,419 009
To 7*1 1.299,562 2,439,179 2^48,450 634,936 27,716 loo 100
lea cue ia 1918-19.
TABLE No. 1 -B”.
ayadixe Statement of Export* from Bnil ire to all Crantrice during tie yean 1916-17, 1917-18 and
Incrrva in DeereiM la Att*oxjsca?* Pxboxttr
1918-19. 1918-19. AO*.
Coantry. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. compared co endued
with with
. 1917-18L 1917-18. 1917-18. 1918*19.
£ £ £ £ £ Par cant. Par cant.
168,535 28M38 27,668 283.930 34-67 .7-00
tk 109,721 163,450 U2A9S 11,032 18*09 23-44
a 16,447 24,469 l«*r58l 7,828 393 430
. , 10,863 13,170 48,061 3*891 1-00 12-18
,J*8tUe«a£ America 23,453 2X047 M2* 16,422 2-69 1*42
94.273 2SJ.I17 129,171 113,948 3013 32*29
* . 18.621 69,050 22,478- 3*573 2*40 829
H V36
9 M3* 000. • 1*8
11,069 893 393 006. .000“
M37 8^37 OOO .100.
*94® .1949 OOO 078
259 867 667 008 OOO
Total 443.434 mo5i 395.120 "48,073 473*73 - 100 • % - -a 100
Deere.m- t» 1H1S-U.