Page 130 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 130

                                               TABLE No. 2 " A
                       JVwti/uJ Import I into Entire from all tou'cetdorinj lie yean 1918-17, 1917-13, and fS/fl./j

                                                    Vuca,                    Wriont.
                                           1010-17.  lOU-lS,. 1313-10.  1010-17.  1917-18.

                                              £        £        £      Ton*.   Ton*.   To*
                   SakLrt- .                 8.030      3C3     6,253    105       S     r.
                   Weed for buOdlnj          4.670    12,104    6.427    374     1.008   If.
                   Weed net ifcclfiod         1.976    1.306   11,108   1.590     646   i£:
                   Wlxr*   .                  335       621      293       S       X      I
                   Wlulj and Spirit*          1,058    3.i53    4.766      6       10
                   B.                          921      487     1,422     23       11     a
                   CanSr*                     4,473   11,573   31,274     53      110    til
                   Ccaland Chaicoal           2,719    4,039    6.410    347      387    a
                   CofTa                       244      578      343       2       4      1
                   Batter   .   ,             4,595    7,£02   17.119     31       47     n
                   Hie* .                    61,366   141,163   110,053  4,01.   6,616   w.
                  lino                       30.407   79,735   21,675   2,OOl    4.095   UK
                   Wlot .   .                 1,626   47 £24    3.935    112     2,288   lh
                   Bariiy •                   6,791   44,601    3,083    520     2J316   »
                  Other cnli •                3,754    6,079    7.787    235      287
                  Loifia^r .                 48,949   181,731  05,468    903     2.133   Ui!
                  Crjrfal *nd soft ta^ir    233,850   609.825  476,658  ' 6.755  13.058  lOfE
                   Te                        62.438   145.501  676,169   250      673    W*
                   Drop end Updid no*         7.649    9.436   17,385
                   6 plea   .                13,946   31,518    45,629    US      427
                   Clotkcnf                   3,576    9,679    11,551     1       1      J
                   Imm oQ .                   7.077    5,251    2.851     505     266     II
                   Iron rad Stalin tan ate,    227       35      284      13
                   Iron sad 81* *1 nan of art am .   .  1.527  2,031  6.428  44    18     2
                   Tin, Lend and ZIn* la lun, Hud*,  . 12,181  1U74  6.433  4A     15
                  ■ *t*L
                   Copp*r and Skied In ban, plate*,   429  459   yu        2        1
                    •ta. -
                   lilnaxal product* not aprifnd   621  ta               .147     lfiO    y
                   CoUanTan*                  •5j08l   47*96    67,646    448     243
                   T!**n*i of Cotton .  • .  451268   850278   1,106,408   1240  2A43    U*
                   Other TWqm of Cotton, Plvh**, etc.   M:7  10AM   13,119   s     16
                  . Then** of par* WoW .      17,468   (tJSlQ   44,196     29      13     r
                   lfidua Shawl* of Wool .     778     1^(1    - 2v053
                   Time* of Wool mixed whh Cotton   14jOtO  38,450  47,099  U      93
                   Jut* Tame *  t  0  0        897      •31        69      10      10
                   Tlaanre of Fla* and Heap   Vie       Mio       269      99      27
                  'Tirana* of Silk .           •All     6J57    11,130     1        t
                   Tima of Silk tolled with Cettoa     19,419   14J260     11      11
                   Lac* and JEmbrcldary .       907
                                     0 •                3AM   ‘ • 6^51
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