Page 135 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 135

            into tit Port of Bmlire from different Contiriet during tie yean 1917-18, and 1918-19 cl unified
                                 according to Prriiin Cuitomi—coniA.
                                                         Yuu*.          WI10HT.
               Article*.             Countries.
                                                     1917-18.  1018-19.  1017-18.  1018-19.

                                                      £       £      Toaa.  Tons.
         -jli,(juboDiirf      r*<r«                    828    2,085    19     U
                              OU>*r Countries          1£9      108     8      5
                                                       717     7,881   27     39
                              India   a
         its. prtmrred                                 979     028     IS      T
         f                    Uni>d Kingdom                     58             1
                              Other Countries!                  48
                                                       979     730     IS      8
         «0fl •               India                             87
                              Utiled Kingdom                    19
                                                        21      80                          I
         jjdiKtOU*. other     India                    203      324     3      4 ■
                              On is                     30      134            4
                              Other Ccouirira            8      128            S            :
                                                       230      584     3     10
         ;»!*blr* fresh, drj or preferred  India       1,87 J  1,634   108    64
                ••            Other Countries           109     133    14      «           !
                                                       1,380   1,717   123    63
         z, fresh, 4rj or prei-rted  India             1^12     140    99      1
                              Oman                     3,107   1,482   66     32           I
                              Bahrca .                         1,196          63
                              Of hod Kingdom                     11
                                                       2419    2429    168    95
         I.              • *                            40      1?2    11     22
         jv, lot/ nd candy
                              India                  181,289  87,845  2,429  1,068
                              Oaaa                      342             4
                              Fraaoa                            709            t
                              ®OT*                             6407            68
                              Dutch India*                      4 7            8
                                                     181,731  95,468  3.43S  V48
         ^•Ojrtal a ad soft   India                  609402  38*477  13,067  MM
                              Ooia                      22              1
                              China                           23,357          747
                              DbU Indian                      82.594         14*
                              *I7P*'                  t—        X1S            t
                              Japaa                            2411            68
                                                     609.825  476,658  13,068  10,89*
          ,    t  t         :  ladfa                    1U      1U      1      l
                              Unltnd KIngdoa                     4
                              Other CoaalrUn                     10          •••
                                       *-               168     128     a      i
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