Page 322 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 322

              Imports Into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22 and 1922.)’
                                 classified according to Persian Customs—contiL      ®

                                                             Vivow.          Weight.
                        ArtlcSr*.           Ccrantrie*.
                                                        1921 22.  1922-23.  1021-22.  1921ft

                                                           f        £     Tan*.   Toni
              Skint and their application—could.
                                       Germany                      230            9J
                                       Austria                      130            01
                Skins, Famished .   .*
                                       India .                      110            01
                                       Other Co tan trie*           108            01
                                                                    534            0} i
                                       India .                      620            H
                ObjocU in leather toddlcry, etc. .
                                       United Kingdom               3S0            a
                                                                   1,000           iU
                                       United State*       865     1.070     3     H
                                       India .             015     1,510     S     41
                                       Switzerland .                960            01
                Leather             **
                                       Franc* •            358      750            04!
                                       United Kingdom     1,708              2
                                       Other Countries     365      850      1     W j
                                                          7.369    6.040     10   113
                                       Germany                      300            M
                                       India .              142     150      5     01
                Other objects is leather
                                       United Kingdom       65      101            W
                                       Other Countries      54      38             <r\
                                                           261      589      5
                                     -!  Oman „             66
                Skin*, raw, lilted, ete. .  India .          1
                                        Other countries     117
                                        Japan .                    1,830
                                        United Kingdom              400
               Pol   of alike        .*  India *■   •               201            I 'J
                                        Germany .                   159
                                        Other Countries             128    • •
   317   318   319   320   321   322   323   324   325   326   327