Page 325 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 325

                                                                    1021-22 and 1922-21
          loP0**111x10 ^°rt ®usMre ^rora gfftcnl conntr5«i during tfao^car^

          Y                                            Valkjm.           Weight.
                  Article              Coantrioa.
                                                   1921-22.  1922-23.  1921-22.  1922-23
                                                      £        £     Tons.   Ton*.

          r                       India .            19,041  16.400     30     29
          pj#,St*in» and Vaxnblica-.-
           fcdigo (Natural) .  ■{
                                  Germany i          4,199              7
                                                    23M0     10,400     37     29.

                                 Germany .   .               11,300            21
           iligo (Synthetic)
          i                    { Other Countries .             39
                                                             11,339            21
                                 Sxitzcrland .               1,140             21
                                 United Kingdom       COG     200       3      2 1
           '-iv dyea admitted for importation-  India .  4.741  213     10     3 1
                                 Germany              231     139              0-5
                                 Other Countrica      42       88              1-0
                                                     5,730   1,830     13      8 8

                                 United Kingdom ;             250
           Tuniih                              *.                              2-0
                              •{ India .   .   .               u
                                                              281              ■O

                                 Germany                      370   No. 66     -4
                              • -  United Kingdom .            29    Of  5
                                 Other Coontoef .             28        6

                                                              427    ~ 76      -4
                                 United Kingdom     2^6*     1*470  No. 7
           XsorCai.              United State* .    «2       1,400   *• 10
                                 Ipdia .            2.456
                                                I   6.751   2,930    - 17
   320   321   322   323   324   325   326   327   328   329   330