Page 335 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 335
fj* from.the Port of Bu shire to different countries durioy the years 1921-22 and 1922-23 clari
fied according to Persiau Customs—conld.
Valu*. Wejort.
Article*. Countries.
1921-22. 1022-13. 1921-22. 19:22-23.
£ £ Torn. Ton-*.
Toite Cotton TUaue Other Countries M 176 0-5
France 390 0-5
I India . 625 0-7
- a-,n tissue* (Dyed or printed)
Kuwait 270 0-75
Other Countries 240 0-«S
1,425 0-5*3
Egypt - 220 0-3
India . 641
Woollen Tissue
Oman . 177
United Kingdom 17
Other Countries 299 115 0-2
1,034 336 0-5
Mesopotamia 3,230 0-6
Q Tissue .
I •{ Other Countries I(« 0-5
3.338 l-l
Lras of tniied cotton and wool . Egypt. 430 0-3
Bahrain 88 6-3
t tn’ requisite Kuwait 74 3-4
Other Countries 42 1-9
204 11-6
India . 114 1
Egypt. 115
objects , A
United Kingdom 12
Other Countries 298 4 •f
639 6
"1®r articles Kuwait • • 97 0-f
^ (Kraas)
India . 174 4*1
Ur «rt
France • • 123 5