Page 337 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 337
from the Port of Bushire to different countries during the years 1921-22 and 1922-23 classified
according to Persian Customs—contd.
r Vai.cs. Wnosrr.
Articlrm. Countrir*.
1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. 1922-23.
£ £ tons. tons.
India . 2.014 4,200 67 101
Fraaoe 64 1-3
Other ekins (raw dried) . .* United States 3,018 3
United Kingdom 1,907 1
Other Countries 1,682 1
9,221 4,26# 62 102-3
India . 697 13
United Kingdom .
Tinned skins 795 0
Other Countries . 53 11
1.G92 53 19 1-1
Grindery Other Countries 68 0-2
France 19 145 2-5
Rgypt. 38
Emlenware Bahrain 27 2
India . 15
Other Co ten trie* 92 24 7 0-1
191 109 9 2-6
-ted matter*—
'.'•ks. Reviews and papers . ■{ India . 1,396 S4 0-3
Other Countries 59 99 0-7
,455 163 1-0
India . 24,059 31,000 369 415
Egypt. 11.444 24,560 207 410
Mesopotamia 2,505 450 19 17
'on-manofactored in leaf .« Aden . 910 15-3
Kwwalt 310 6-7
Bahrain 306 820 6
Oman . 341 5 9-5
Other Countries 108 620 19 12-5
38,803 68,610 615 886-0