Page 343 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 343
report on the trade of bushire for
THE YEAR 1923-24.
Conditions and events affecting the Trade of (rain water storage tank) has also been constructed,
Bushire. but until the question of quarters for the staff has
been settled, the Hospital cannot be considered
Tic emergence of a national army under the leader otherwise than an “ outdoor ” Dispensary.
ship of Rem Khan, Minister for War, (and sub During the year the total number of cases treated
sequently Prime Minister) as a powerful instrument was outdoor 10,776, with 516 minor operations.
in war and politics has been the chief contribution
of this year to the history of Persia. The effect of No marked improvement can he recorded in the
this remarkable development has been felt perhaps state of the Town, where the sanitation is little
more keenly than elsewhere by the Semi-independent better than that described in tie Bushire Trade
Khans and Zabits of the South whose very existence Report 1021-22. It might be mentioned, however,
has been threatened by the advent of disciplined that the whole of the European population and the
troops in Bushire and Dashtistan, and whose allc- more wealthy Persian families reside either at Naidi
giante to the Central Government (in the shape of 2| miles or at Bushire 6 miles south of the Town
arrears of revenue) has been demanded at the point itself- These residential areas are comparatively
of tie bayonet. clean and healthy and most of the houses contain a
Tie appearance of the Military in South Persia second storey to catch cool breezes from the sea in
and particularly their presence on the main road the summer.
between Bushire and Shiraz has had a generally
tranquillizing effect to the immense benefit of trade, Communication and Road.
Io Bushire itself, however, where the military The feeling of confidence inspired by the presence
asserted themselves to such a degree as to override of regular troops on the road to Shiraz, the main
civil authority, things were not so satisfactory. artery of trade with the interior, has occasionedl
The Governor became a mere figure head, the police a marked increase in the number of transport animal*
force was subordinated to the Military command, plying on the road as compared with last year.
and various attempts were made to direct Municipal (See table under heading “ Trarjport Inland”)
funds into the Central Treasury at Teheran. The On several occasions, however, considerable con
year is, therefore, not marked by any substantial sternation was caused by the wholesale commandeer
improvement in the town. ing of transport a nimals by the Persian force opgrat
On the Island, the main road southwards towards ing in Dashtistan. Muleteers in consequence often
Bushixe was kept in fairly good repair/ though no refused to carry loads along the road or were per
attempt was made to repair any other roads. In suaded to do so by an offer of extra, hire.
spite of this, the number of motor cars (mainly As a result of the declrion of the Ministry of War
For^«J in Bushire has been steadily increasing. A to use the road for the transport of munitions, some
Municipal tax of Tumans 5 (£1) is levied monthly attempt was made to repair it. During the summer
on each car. months wheeled traffic can with some difficulty reach
The Bushire Electric Light Company worked Shiraz, but the road is entirely blocked for any
throughout the year but in spite of the purchase of other but animal transport during the winter rains.
a considerable amount of new machinery, the ser In spite of vigorous protests by H. M’s Legation
vice remained extremely unreliable, mainly owing in Teheran, the imposition of tolls amounting to
dimensions and intrigues amoDg the Directors of £2 per ton on merchandise between Bushire and
the Company. Shiraz continued throughout the year.
The Bushire Charitable Hospital was occupied in
April 1923, but many essentials were lacking, t.g,, Bu iFire Post Offics
electric light, water supply, cookhouse*, quarters for
“toff snd a sanitary drainage system. Electric light On the I4th April the Indhn Pest Office at Bushire
7*s been installed, two engines purchased, and handed over its functions to the Persian Postal
thanks to the Anglo Persian Oil Company a free supply Authorities in accordance whh the agreement reached
°l Ktroslne Oil and Petrol for power has been obtain- at the Postal Conference held in Buihire in December
**• A drain into the sea and large “ Ab-ambar ” 1922. A certain amount of dislocation in the Postal