Page 348 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 348
In Bushire itself rupee* and sovereigns arc accept
ed. Transport from Bushire to the interior ia almost
entirely by mules. A fair weight for bales trar.s.
Weight! and commercial importance.
ported by mules is 150 to 180 lbs. half mule load.
lbs. Cases should be oblong, about 30 by 16 inches.
16 Kiu (1 Burilra man) .
. 1 Tabriz or Custom* man (alio called bat
man) .......................................................... -6-54
1 Shiraz man •••••• -7-3*
1 Uaahlm mao-
in Boahire . • . • . -124
in Chogadak and Cfcakntah . . . >=>124
in Angali, Rudbill»h, Khtuhab, Zlrat,
Shabankarch, Zaidun and Bchbohan . -130*
in Zira and Bibira — 156
in HayaV Dand • — 186 G. L. MALLAM, Cap.,
in Liravi . . -232*
in Hindiaa • • • • -240 Ag. IJ. Vice-Consul, Dushire.
1 Khanrar (ICO batman*) -054