Page 350 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 350
TABLE Ns. 1"R°
Comparative statement of Exports from Buihiro to all countries during tie years 1921-22, 1922-23
and 1923-24.
Inrrraw in Decrease in Amoxnan rtt-
1923 24 1023-24 CEXTACt
Co an tries. 1021-22. 1922-23. 1023-24. eanj'&rcd compared
w:th with
1922-23. 1922-23. 1922 to 1023. 1*23 to 1 J2t,
£ S £ £ £ Per cent. Percent.
United Kingdom 08,527 88,120 1M,958 06,838 SIS 732
India . 193,016 216.688 370,748 154,000 2007 18-02
Oman 1,338 1.184 33,095 31,931 010 ICO
Mesopotamia . 9,747 6,080 7,992 2412 061 039
United States of America 3,004 10,420 24,541 14,121 !• 096 1 19
Hong Kong . • t 330,000 16,981 313,019 3056 082
China . 284,512 141,000 243,484 102,484 1306 1182
Egypt . 84,620 72490 130,423 68433 t • 668 634
3491 19488 32,464 12,476 P • 164 1*8
Kuwait 292 2,146 11430 6484 0-19 051
Franc* . 10,790 19468 12444 6414 118 0Q
Japaa . 23400 66,676 42476 9 • 2-27 3U
Germany 3466 4497 2404 1,893 048 012
Mused . 1,752 686 686 001
130400 846493 716493 1206 6111
4r*Vi» • • • 61,904 61404 8<8
* • • 478 478 • • 0<3
Other Countries 13483 19.129 40,880 26,751 1-48 \+
€80,097- 1479,780 8467,078 1,298424 321426 108
Increase is 1923-24