Page 355 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 355
TABLE No. 2 - K’-corli.
daring the year. 193-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24-con«/-
Princlpal Import* into BusKire from all source*
V«Joe_ Weigh*.
1121-22. 1922-23. 1923-24. 1921-22. 1922-23. 1923 24.
£ £ £ Tom. Ton*. Too*.
*r«sors of mi*c<l cotton and n«taral slk • » 1.609 330 0-8 .0-3
(ooce than 10 per cent. *nd leas than
a l«r cent, ailk).
Yijja« of mixed cotton and natural «nk 659 1,272 0-2
(containing 25 per cent to 95 per ccct.
,4 .Ok).
Plcjbf* and Velvet* .... 6,055 3.053 20 1-3
Ti***w of wool or linen mixed with ei!k. 2,134 3.198 M 1-0
6 ilk clothinga . 383
Tiro for tailoring M46 13
B"f«% Cords and String* . 410 4C0 2.243 18 289 78-3
Waxed and Oiled Cloth 390 579 10*4 13-0
Hucki, Eyes, Needle*, etc. . 1.113 2,367 4-3 6-3
Photographic accessories . 612 1,117 1-2 28
Scaling Wax . 32 146 0-3 0-8
tcaastics, Pomade*. Waxen 432 587 108 2*0
Ikble aOrer ... 763 905 2*6 28
token* reqniaite* 17,180 14^82 678 608
OCce Famitare 4,5)1 2,018 2,626 30 68 68
ft Jet Article* . 1,328 2,635 28 48
IbivtOing reqai*it« . I ^ 83 350 08 18
VtaeKeU. . 340 443
^’"IrwefleTy .
632 1.084 08 •8
r-id and Saver article* . 355 216
| * 120
v • • 4J90 4,684 168 10*8
tnd C*nm* 281 2*234 08 38
2450 8,204 168 234
j ®opbooe*> etc. .
235 189 249
^‘".domestic . 3,020 1436
4 3,631 19 78 198
^0n® tad Tekg7*pa,( «t& Wit 6,090 308 ill
4,,k''<'l«Sr.phl. obj«u
23,616 # 4.760 7476 118 32-2