Page 358 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 358
TABLE No. 2 ** A."-conclJ.
Principal Imports intoBushire from ail sources during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24—t©nel£
. Value. Weight.
1021-22. 1022-23. 1023-24. 1021-22. 1922-23. 1023-24.
£ £ £ Too*. Too*. Ton*.
Varnish , 201 742 2 05
Bicycle* , 427 730 No. 70 No. 99
Motor Car* 0.756 2.930 .8,720 „ 17 „ W
Motor cycle* . . . 146 N 6
Accessories and spare part* 206 1.C20 2.455 0-6 6-4
Other Vohlcle* . 101 104 No. 22
Other Vohiclc*, Accc&soriee, etc. 400 812 7-5 5-0
TABLE No. 2 M B."
Principal Exports from the Port of Btfshire to different countries during the years 1921-22, 1922-2
and 1923-24.
Value. Weight.
1021-22. 1022-23. 1923-24. 1021-22. 1922-23. 1023-24.
£ £ £ Ton*. Tens. Torn.
Matches . 350 213 f 3 4
Hones 17 No. 1
Sheep and Goats 33 66 78 No. 197 - M No-8
Oxen and Cows 279 97 . 216 -
Animal* not apecifisd 7 200 478 No. 164 . &
Wood not worked 19 684 3*1 644
Firewood . 2,719 M724
Coal and Charcoal 124 66 671 19-2 074
9 • 201 261*
Baw wax . 60 76 1-0 14
Bofttar •11 8.466 9,140 8 80-6
Hushed Bios 1,262 1,096 1^40 46 tt-0 1074
Other grains 422 328 27 37*
Blacsil* 06