Page 361 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 361
TABLE No. i-B-concZi
Principal Exports from th« Port of Bnshire to different countries during: the years 1921-22, 1922-23
Value. • Wxioht.
1921-22L 192223. 1923-24. 1921-22. 1922-23. 1923-24.
* £ * Ton*. Ton*. Ton*.
Tc,b*eco (non-mannfactnrod in leaf) 38.883 rs.cio 84,353 015 886-0 1,205-0
Curette* .... 11
Dye* and Colour* (Hanna) . 44 316 1-7 17-6
AH other* .... 1,179 563 1,713 78 40-9 105-8
Vehicle* (Motor Cycle* *nd 8ida car*) 284 200 No. 4
Motor Car* - 183 108 No. 1 No. 1
Horsed vehicle* and Accessories . 49 .No. 1
fonuture. . • 108 259 1-5
rymiral products 61 10 2 l 0-3 .
Eesin and Bitumen . 29 6
Vinegar . 49 91 109 2 30 i 4-0
Machinery, etc. . 387 0-8
TABLE No. 3-A.
Imports into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-21
classified according to Persian Customs.
Valve. Weight.
Articles. Co on tries.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 1923-24.
£ £ Tods. Toss.
41coU and Non-alcoholic liquid—
Japsa . f • 9
France 350 40 0-f 1-2
Akcbobe Psrfwss Germany , 240 68 12 M
Other Countries . lOi 0-1 • •
United Kingdom . 9 S 86 O-l
699 199 1-8 M