Page 364 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 364

                                            TABLE No. 3-A-anti.
                 Import* into the Port of Buslurc from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 ond 1923.?/
                                   clnsiified according to Persian Customs.—con/d.      ' *
                                                               Value.          Wnonr.
                          Articles.           Countrim.
                                                           1922-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.1  1923-24.
                 Living Animals—€0*14.                       £        £    ’ Toon.   Ton*.
                  Camel* .                Omu .                        17            No. 3
                                                                       17            No. j
                                          Bahrein                       1            No. j
                  Sheep and Goats .    »*  Kuwait                      17                1
                                          Mesopotamia                  60                2
                                                                       1Z            No. 6

                  Horace        ••        India .                      17            No. 1
                                                                       17            No. 1

                                          United Kingdom      195     183   No. 14   Not 4
                                          India .             141            - 10
                  Gun*, sporting gun*, rifles, xttoJ-   France  114    68       2    No. 5
                    vera, etc.                                               m
                                          Germany             32       82       4       6
                                          Belgium                      33               2
                                                              482     366   No. 30   No. 18
                                          MoaopoUmia          420     624     2400    2768
                                          India .             640     831     1600    1374
                                          Bahrein                       1               08
                   Firewoods .         •*<
                                          Other Countries     240      63     760      204
                                          Muscat                      248              731
                                          Oman . •  .                 466             1448
                                                             1,200   1,713    4760    6518
                                          India .            1,970   7,416    1240    8598
                                          Zanzibar            690    1,717    1700    2371
                   Other wood not worked (including^   Oman .  173     87     490      161
                    sawed or split wood).  Mesopotamia                 68              368
                                          Bahrein ,                   782
                                          Other Cowntries     90       81      1-8
                                                            2.926   10J40     344-6  \P'4
   359   360   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369