Page 369 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 369
TABLE No. 3-A—conti.
Imports into the Port of Buihire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
classified according to Persian Customs.—con(<L
Vjo.ce. Weight.
Article.. Countries.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922 23. 1923-24.
t £ Tons. Tons.
United Kingdom . 10
India . 13
Holland 13
Fnmeo ’ 5
Kuwait 197 30-4
Bahrein 103 13-7
(1) Date. Mesopotamia 130 3,119 1080 516-7
Oman . 110 SCO 14-9 66-9
Other Counlri&o 14 1-7
550 3,818 124-6 627-6
India . * 1,080 4,613 50-5 276-1
Mesopotamia 151 16-6
Kuwait 360 18 37-0 0-8
Oman . 105 111 7-5 6-9
(2) Other Fruits (fresh) -•
Bahrein 135 11-0
United Kingdom 45
Zanzibar . 5 0-6
Other Co on trie* 59 65 0-4 3-0
1.604 6,143 101-4 314-0
Aden . 61 1-9
United Kingdom . 340 234 2-6 1-9
Freaerros and Jam* .«
India . 157 ' 689 1-6 3-1
Other Countrim . 60 . 31 0-4
653 906 4-6 6-9