Page 371 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 371

                                    TABLE No. 3-A—conti.
              into the Port of Bushirc from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 anri 1923-24
                           classified according to Persian Custom*—con1<L
                                                       Valuk.           WncHT.
                  Article*.          Coant ric*.
                                                   1922-23.  1923 24.'  1922-23.  I923-3-*.

                                                     £        £      Ton.-*.  Ton*.
                                 Oman .                        25               3-8       s
           (1) Fresh .           India .              050    1,011     80-0    70-7       &
                                 Other Countries .     18      13      3-0      15
                                                      9G8     1,049    83 0     70-0

                                 India .             1,900   2,598    1300     204-2
           (2) Dried .           Mesopotamia          295      536    224-0    39 4
                                 Bahrein                        5               0-5
                                                     2.195    3,139   3600     2441
                                  United Kingdom .    185      83       1-9     2-8
           (3) Preserved in tins  France .   ,         41       7      0-2
                                 Other Countries .     17       1       0-1
                                                      243      91       2-2     2-8
                                 Oman »  t            550     1,841    32-0     28-7
          (I) Fresh, dried, &aJtod, or smoked  Bahrein  650    684     17-0     18-5
                                 Other Countries .             83                79
                                                     1.200    2,608    490      651
                                 France                        103               1-3
          (2) Preserved in tins  United Kingdom .     209      86       1-4      0-8
                                 Other Countries       69      70       1-0
                                                      278      259      2-4      21
                                 Hong Kong .                 11,386            311-8
                                 Germany                       868              26-2
                                 Java .             55,800   77,991  2,0500   2,240-2
          0) Crystal or Powder .
                                 United Kingdom      15,230    73     6850       2-4
                                 India .             5,070   11096    1700     2960
                                 Other Countries     6,500   21,411   2080      63-6
                                                    81,600  .  122,825  3,0130  2.0291
   366   367   368   369   370   371   372   373   374   375   376